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Mexican Coke Is A Lie?

Arrest In Break-In At Democrat Hobbs' Campaign Headquarters

bobknight33 says...

Im not ! You definitely are.

Where is your radical Jan 6 drinking fool attacking Mr. Pelosi Video?

Surly there a plethora of vids for you to post from the Fake news.

You not holding you your leftist nut case values and really disingenuous to you Sifter followers.

newtboy said:

You can’t possibly be that delusional.

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

JiggaJonson says...

Just, the audacity. fuck.

let me be as clear and direct as I can be: I have no interest in the personal sexual lives or private decisions of people i'm not married to.

@bobknight33 Do you want the United States of America to make decisions about what gender an individual can be or has to be?

Let us say that a human being has XX Male Syndrome where the person would present as male although have XX chromosomes, have a penis and testicals that are non functional sexually, and will NOT grow facial hair but WILL grow breasts.

Which bathroom should the person use? You want to answer don't you? See? that's the difference between you and me. I don't fucking care where this person takes a shit just as long as it's not on my front porch.

YOU, meanwhile, for someone tossing around accusations of "groomer" (grooming is defined how again? ohhh right you do things so that the child does what YOU want kind of like training a dog i imagine)
YOU seem to have a lot to say about what they do and dont do sexually. What they do or don't do with their genitals. What in the fuck kind of person spends their time dictating what children can do with their genitals or not and wants to tell them where to shit and what drinking fountain to use "HEYYY that's a water fountain for non-queers only!"


is your problem?

HOW in your mind can YOU be the one strongly opinionated on what these kids do or dont do and you go out of your way to advocate for that and support politicians who think alike

How can THAT be,, AND you are accusing the people who are disinterested in the insanely personal and private decisions of gender and sexuality, the people who don't care about that stuff and want to leave it to the individuals, but you

YOUUUU want to tell them what bathroom to use and which sports teams they cna play on and which hospitals they can get care at and if they can receive care as a person who is transgendered YOU (the one wanting to make decisions about kids genitals via your elected officials, YOU) YOU are calling someone else a groomer.


You groom animals because you want X behavior to happen, and you don't want Y behavior to happen.

YOU, are doing the thing, where you're doing stuff... that leads to the modification of behavior. Do you understand that?

kir_mokum said:

bobknight has repeatedly shown he has no problem groomers, sexual predators, or pedophiles so long as their nihilistic politics seem useful to him.

Dr Nick For Senate

newtboy says...

Just a reminder @bobknight33, liar, Muslim quack, serial animal abuser, and dangerous snake oil salesman Dr Memet Riviera loves to drink urine and thinks you should too….and he’s just the kind of idiot to try to make it mandatory.

Warren Harding - Climbing's Original Iconoclast

BSR says...

"Drinking and Farcing Society, founded on the principles of “gluttony and sloth.”

They spelled 'Farting' wrong

Thell Barrio - A Toda Madre

BSR says...


A drink to the ground for those who left
Hit one and rola we are in game,
Feel what I shout your rage with the heart
for that it reached me
Mother this life touched us!
We are what we are
Nobody interferes
unless you want
Go out with the geta open
They wanted to shut us up before but they couldn't.
We are more than friends
Come and run into walls!
So take it!
If you feel that you can Atorele!
We are still standing!!
Without fear because there is nothing to lose
brothers we are
Born to multiple mothers
we are not ten
We are a Fist!
We hit hard
Who do you think you are?
do not interfere
because you are going to lose
You have a time to flee before it explodes

A wolf comes to hit them hard...
They show the fury that converge
we come down
To send you to hell
with clenched fists
And hold your head high!
They forge it strong!
This is the fury that converge!
we come down
To send you to hell
with clenched fists
And hold your head high!


shut that snout
because for less than that
They would shovel your cesses
From the cement
the mouth of the wolf
crazy here we belong
Go back to your golden cage
And do not come to this Hell!
We provoke no one
But we fear no one
to be respected
You have to respect first
Here it is not worth your position or your money
Remember it asshole and don't come
To this Helloooooooo!

Right Wing Hypocrisy On Loan Debt Forgiveness

newtboy jokingly says...

Oh @bobknight33…..
Stunning how you can not tolerate light. Even if in jest.
Go ahead down vote
Thats how you Trumpists troll . Down vote and discard truth.
You just live in fake troth.
I know you see nothing wrong with this. You have no morals.
Apparently you get all jizzed up over this .
Your pillows and blankets need a good washing.
I love looses like you watch blindly such 1 side news and drink it all up.
You and your ilk are fools. Ignorant fools.
You so narrow minded. It is truly sad.

I’m disappointed you didn’t take the bait like your leaders all did. I guess I shouldn’t have tipped my hand by posting this and you may have.
Funny you have no comment…but what could you say?

A look back: Donny D.A., COVID & the crab of reason

luxintenebris says...

yup. also never said to drink bleach - believe it was something about ingesting disinfectant and exposing internal body surfaces to UV - but the idea was almost the same. (Vader never said "Luke I am your father"; Bogart "Play it again"...)

he did talk about oranges.

odd as he is/was there were six separate occasions where i had to check various sources to conceive myself that the reports were genuine.

the one about the oranges...the cabinet meeting where they took turns praising him...sharpie-gate...NRA/gun nuts assassinating Hillary...drinking bleach...and not knowing Pearl Habor's history.

couldn't be.

'tho the orange thing is just too odd. kept thinking about the strawberries...

newtboy said:

Be fair….he never really said that.
He said Washington manned the air, rammed the ramparts, and took over the airports….he never said he had any planes…maybe he thinks Washington just catapulted soldiers at the airports (and rams at the ramparts).

Biden and the June job reports

bobknight33 says...

I love looses like you watch blindly such 1 side news and drink it all up.

You and your ilk are fools. Ignorant fools.

surfingyt said:

love watching boob get destroyed. and like the idiot bewb is, keeps coming back for more beatdowns. not sure who the dolt thinks he is convincing but its lol to watch him bat 0.000

“Don’t Look Up” in Real Life

newtboy says...

Reasontv, the network of the insanity from Stossel, with the stated position that “free market and deregulation is the solution to any and every problem imaginable”. That’s the best you’ve got!?! Then you’ve got NOTHING. You actually complain that CNN isn’t trustworthy, then you post from Reasontv!?! Er mer gerd! 🤦‍♂️ why not just post Beck or Jones?

They completely misrepresent what the report, and climate activists, and politicians have said with bad editing and lies here, no surprise, you posted it, it was guaranteed to be DISHONEST nonsense propaganda.

Land temperatures reached 1.3C above pre industrial norms in 2020. Every prediction made has come true well ahead of schedule. Temperature rise is accelerating, it’s not the flat straight line nor a slowing rate like they showed but an increasing curve. The last 7 years were all in the top 10 hottest ever, the last decade had 9 of the hottest ever, and we are experiencing a global drought never seen by modern man….but according to you, nothing burger, totally normal, chicken little.

There is one thing I agree with, the “12 years to stop climate disaster” notion (not what the science says btw) is wrong. We have -20 years +-. The CO2 we put in the atmosphere today will effect climate for hundreds to a thousand years, the nitrous oxide for about 120, methane around 10. We have reached the point where natural emissions will soon take over, adding more than humans ever did. Scientists estimate that’s at 1.5C, but every estimate they’ve made public has turned out to be optimistic in the extreme, so 1.5C is almost certainly wishful thinking and 1.25C is more likely the threshold. We can both mitigate the effects and slow the rate of change, but at this point staying below 1.5C is a pipe dream no one is actually even working towards.

I think the reality is that, using current models, assuming no surprises or feedback loops, we have (now 8 ) years before the adding these greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere will carry us well beyond 1.5C above “normal” with no additional emissions needed….not that we will definitely hit 1.5 by 2030 but we will be able to coast there even with zero emissions.
I know, math and science together, way too hard, better to just listen to the oil spokesmen who say “it’s a hoax, pay no attention to the cities reaching 130F, the unprecedented heat globally, the rapidly melting (or melted) glaciers that historically provide drinking water for 1.9 BILLION people, or the never before seen by man extreme global droughts, they’re all normal and natural and why are you still talking about it?”.

No surprise, one more undeniable, in your face disaster you simply deny exists….like Covid, Jan 6, Russian election interference, -3.5%gdp, Trump terrorism, etc.
Can we have your name so when the global food supply is insufficient we know who’s family to deny food?

bobknight33 said:

Silly nonsense

Behind The Voices - Celebrities Collection

newtboy says...

Zootopia…..that’s an animal flavored soft drink line, right?

StukaFox said:

I have a complaint to register here, gentlemen, about a CERTAIN LACK of recognition for the single greatest accomplishment of mankind since the invention of language; the very reason carbon self-assembled; the reason a tiny speck of nothing exploded into a universe simply waiting for that golden moment on March 4 2016 when the fruition of all that is good and hopeful in the human -- nay, UNIVERSAL -- race was unveiled! How soon they forget! How soon do they receive their salvation than they turn their backs on it, forgetting the hypernova of joy and laughter that burst upon the world on that Day of Days! Such woe to thee, oh Babylon, for turning your back on the 1 hour and 48 minutes that banished all doubt of man's reason for existence! DAMNATION ON TO YOU WHO HAVE FORGOTTEN THE GREATNESS YOU SHOULD FALL TO YOUR KNEES AND BLIND YOURSELF LEST TO SEEK TO BEHOLD SOMETHING GREATER! ALL HELL AND TORMENT! ALL EVIL AND VILENESS FOR THOSE HORRID, HORRID SOULS WHO HAVE LEFT THIS SO-CALLED "VIDEO" INCOMPLETE! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!

Look, I just like Zootopia a lot, alright?


Bannon On Oct 31 Outlining The Plan To Steal The Election

newtboy jokingly says...

Says the member of the People’s Temple holding a machine gun in one hand and a pitcher of flavoraid in the other.

You seem really triggered these days. The walls closing in must be scary, the undeniability of the fact that you are a traitor to the USA who follows a fascist, racist narcissist unflinchingly seems to be weighing on you, causing you to lash out and flail more than normal. The outrageous racist nonsense you post these days from your triggered state should get you banned.

I know this constant stream of PROOF that the election fraud fraud was an intentional fraud, pre planned, and never serious or based on a single fact, pure fantasy designed to be sold to ignorant cultists that will turn on their nation without proof of what they’re fighting for, must be unnerving, but get a grip and grow up.

“another rerun of the Jan 6 hearings”? They were live, you idiots. And you think you learn something listening to this moron? So sad, little Bobby. Every time you listen to him you come away less informed. No wonder you’re always wrong and ignorant, your sources are wrong and ignorant, by design.

ROTFLMFAHS!!! Did you really post this guy to try and say SOMEONE ELSE is “drinking the koolaid”?!? Er mer gerd. That’s a whole new level of a lack of self awareness. You are such a silly, deluded little traitor, bob. Why don’t you leave America since you hate it so much? They don’t have many black people or women in positions of power in Saudi Arabia, I think you would like it there. China and N Korea seem right up your alley too.

bobknight33 said:

Newt you are Drinking the Kool-Aid

Bannon On Oct 31 Outlining The Plan To Steal The Election

bobknight33 says...

Newt you are Drinking the Kool-Aid

newtboy said:

Of course, you don’t think violently overthrowing democracy, murdering police, trying to murder public officials, trying to defraud the election, or any crime from the right is relevant…and any misspoken word or traffic infraction is treason from the left.

This is before the election outlining the plan that Trump followed to ignore the election results and proclaim victory, which he did, then proclaim fraud if his loss was too massive, exactly what he did.

Of course, that doesn’t matter to you, because you’re an anti American anti democracy fascist troll.

There is none so blind as he who will not see. Written for you, it would seem.

Trump Wanted Armed Groups At His Jan 6 Rally

newtboy says...

Incorrect, as pointed out above. Some second hand accounts of tantrums, and many first hand accounts of criminal activity like knowingly inviting heavily armed thugs into his crowd to prepare for his planned attack of the capitol building and saying Pence deserved to be lynched so Chump wouldn’t make a statement telling his people to stop as his thugs actively hunted the Vice President in the halls of Congress. She witnessed those first hand. I know, you’re just repeating what some liar told you, and you have no first hand knowledge of her or anyone’s actual testimony because you aren’t allowed to watch the hearings….so your arguing over your own second and third hand accounts filtered through biased liars.

Note, the secret service was so in Trump’s camp that Pence refused to get in a car with them because he believed they would murder him or deliver him to the murderous crowd….the one allegedly denying it, Ornato, still works for Trump today (and hasn’t actually denied it, there are just reports claiming he WOULD….and Ornato has been accused of lying for Trump repeatedly including personally telling the blatant lie that Lafayette square wasn’t violently cleared for a Trump photo op at a nearby church….

Get his denial under oath then try again.
Edit: today the story from Trump’s team became “Trump was too fat and out of shape to lunge for the steering wheel.”, which if true made him too fat and out of shape to reach out <3ft, which makes him far too fat, feeble, and near death to be president.

Keep your head up your ass if you wish. You’ll find yourself alone in there.
Why not call them to testify? Because that bit, while salacious, is hardly the main point or even a crime that might be prosecuted, so why waste time on red herrings. I know you wish they would focus on his infantile tantrums, they distract from his treasonous terrorism.

This woman worked 10 ft from Chump. She was a personal assistant for his chief of staff, you would expect her to be about as loyal as they come to be in that high position with direct access to the president ….and his behavior was so intolerable and anti Democratic she tanked her career and personal life to expose it. Do you have any reason why she would lie? There are many reasons why she wouldn’t have testified, including the death threats against her if she did. She’s clearly from team Trump, not an anti or never trumper.

Fools like me, and around 70% of everyone else….everyone not in the cult with full blinders on, and even some who are. Your little world is crumbling, your great leader exposed for the petulant child and treasonous terrorist leader he is, publicly. Fox is running away, republicans are running away, independents are flying away at supersonic speeds.

You would know about drinking bath water. How does Trump’s ass crack taste?

Edit: You know this is the Trump methodology….
1) deny you did “it”
2) equivocate, claim “they do “it””
3) still deny, but insist it would be fine if you had done “it”
4) admit you did “it” just a little
5) revel in the fact that you can now admit you did the evil inexcusable thing and more without your base caring

bobknight33 said:

A show trial of 2nd hand accounts.
Even the agents involved denied this ever occurred. Why weren't they called to "testify"

Fools like you are lapping it up like AOC's bath water.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

And what criminal charges have come forth?

Nothing because its all BS, and you and your ilk are fools drinking it up.

How that $6/gal gas working for you and yours?
Democrat policies at work.

newtboy said:

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Andy Biggs, and Scott Perry all asked for White House pardons. This is an admission of criminal guilt in case you don’t remember. The only reason to ask for a pardon is that you believe you are guilty of committing a crime, in this case treasonous sedition, vote fraud, election interference, and possibly attempted murder.

They all also asked for blanket pardons for anyone who voted against certification, indicating they knew that was being done as part of an intentionally and blatantly illegal scheme to defraud the American people.

Lock them up, lock them up, lock them up, ….

Also, I doubt you will, but you should listen to a lifelong Republican tell you the truth about a windsock politician…

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