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Real Name: Charlie
Channel: Comic Books

Member Since: July 15, 2006
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Comments to K0MMIE

legacy0100 says...

>> ^K0MMIE:
Whoa, I did too. There are some sorry people out there... this isnt even good art/porn!
In reply to this comment by legacy0100:
I google it, and the first link I click on has a picture of a naked elf saying "I'm casting flame strike"
In reply to this comment by K0MMIE:
JTZ: Google "World of Porncraft"... there ya go.

and you're the one with a comic hero as an avatar.

We believe you K0mmie. You are popular, you have lots of friends, and you don't look at Warcraft Porn

siftbot says...

User alien_concept is now ranked #54 and quickly gaining on you. Watch your back or you might lose your rank to alien_concept.

siftbot says...

Congratulations on improving your rank. You are now ranked #53. You have left user littledragon_79 in your dust. Keep up the good work!

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