Cats and dogs living together... mass hysteria!

If you build it, they will come... depending on the disparity between the American / Canadian dollar.

Apparently, they've just opened Toronto's biggest movie studio, the Filmport, only...  no one's interested.  It's empty. The part that really struck me from the article was this:

Additionally, Universal is eyeing Filmport for its "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" project, which is based on a comic by local writer Bryan Lee O'Malley and set in Toronto. But with the Canadian dollar at near parity with the American greenback, and New York offering a 35 percent tax credit, Universal producers also are considering the Big Apple as a stand-in for Toronto.

New York as a stand-in for Toronto??  Wha...?  Toronto has doubled for New York in what I'm sure amounts to hundreds of movies and TV shows, but New York doubling for Toronto?  Has that ever happened?  What has the world come to?

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