25 Random things about me...

This chain letter-esk flotsom has been circling around on facebook and thought that it would share nicely here on the blog, I encourage other sifters to jump in and add their own 25 in the comments.


25 Random things about Randy

1. I loved performing magic tricks as a child and actually performed at birthday parties

2. I have flat feet, Fred Flintstone flat feet

3. I once appeared as a voice actor on the radio in the 70s

4. I have held Cecil B. Demiles Best Picture Oscar statue for "The Greatest Show On Earth" in my hands

5. I was born in Naples, Italy and held Italian citizenship till the age of 16

6. I studied as an actor in college for 2 years at The North Carolina School Of The Arts

7. I graduated from The North Carolina School Of The Arts with a BFA in Design And Production

8. I was voted "Best All Around Boy" as a senior in High School

9. I stole comic books as a child, because I was pressured to do so by my "so called" friends

10. I smoked a pack of cigarettes a day from the age of 20 till the age of 30

11. I was named after my mother’s brother, James

12. I was nominated for a Grammy Award in 2006

13. I didn’t win a Grammy Award In 2006

14. I moved to Los Angeles in 1988 to work on the pilot of David Lynch’s TV show “Twin Peaks”

15. I am the first person in my family to attain a college level degree

16. I learned to tie my shoes from a Ronald McDonald clown in Miami, Florida

17. I think clowns are creepy

18. My first car was a 1977 Ford Maverick

19. I am a member of The International Thespian Society since 1980

20. I love being a father

21. I wish I had followed through on my guitar lessons

22. I shave while I shower

23. I have visited Camp David on several occasions

24. I was a RA (Resident Assistant) in college

25. I once sold used cars for a living

jonny says...

1. I am an excellent card player.
2. I have a EEE shoe size.
3. I am close friends with some of the smartest people on the planet.
4. I love to cook for others (and do it very well).
5. I hate to cook for myself (and do it very poorly).
6. I wanted to be a jet fighter pilot.
7. I am red/green color blind.
8. I was a D&D geek.
9. I believe in Strong AI.
10. I can't get around Gödel's theorem.
11. I can stay awake longer than anyone I've ever met.
12. I can sleep longer than anyone I've ever met.
13. According to the DSM-IV, I qualify as an alcoholic.
14. I have never felt withdrawal symptoms from alcohol.
15. I am the only person in my family to attain a college degree.
16. I think internal combustion engines suck.
17. I love high performance cars.
18. My first car was a CRX. (damn that thing was fun.)
19. I have no first cousins.
20. I will never be a father.
21. I can't dance (see #2).
22. I shave dry.
23. I like to go camping, occasionally with people named David.
24. I once had sex with an RA.
25. I have sold nearly everything except for cars.

blankfist says...

1. I am insecure about the girth of jonny's peni-- er, feet.
2. I started opening bottles with my teeth because I read GIJoe's Barbecue could do it.
3. I was in the US Navy from 1991-1994.
4. The bassist for the Psychedelic Furs took a picture of me at a Swatch party in NY back in 1993 or 94.
5. My favorite number is 9.
6. One of my first jobs in LA was working for Jan De Bont and Lucas Foster.
7. I once got to drive Maria Grazia Cucinotta to her hotel and fell in love instantly!
8. I used to draw my own comics on folded and stapled notebook paper when I was young.
9. My nickname as a child was Bozo.
10. My nickname in the military was Skip because I wore down my knee muscles and limped about.
11. I graduated from North Carolina School of the Arts with a BFA in Filmmaking.
12. I used to be a Christian.
13. I worked as a Special Effects crew member for my internship and made bombs and blew up cars. It was rad.
14. I used to have a thick southern accent.
15. My first car was a 1979 dookie brown Camaro with hubcaps and whitewalls affectionately labeled the brown turd.
16. I wish I would've stayed in the abusive Hollywood machine instead of switching careers to the interactive industry.
17. My bootcamp company made hall of fame.
18. I graduated with a 99.39 average from Naval Training School.
19. I graduated fifteen from the bottom of my class in high school.
20. My buddy and I once conned a chick at a bar in NY into buying us drinks all night because we told her we were talent scouts from Reprise Records.
21. I still have my first skateboard: a hot pink Powell & Peralta Sword and Skull.
22. I own a signed copy of the first appearance of Spider-Man (Amazing Fantasy #15) in pretty shitty quality.
23. I've worked in textile mills off and on from high school through college.
24. I was once an RA, a Head RA and a Summer Counselor in college.
25. I once asked John Ritter if I could call him Jack Tripper. His response, "As long as you don't call me Janet or Crissy."

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

1. I lived on the last federally granted homestead in the US in rural Alaska without running water or electricity for 5 years as a kid.
2. Had a ten speed when everyone else had a BMX, and thus never learned to tail slap.
3. Was an accomplice to deathcow stealing a LadyBug and Cosmic Adventure Colecovision cartridges from Art's Video Mart in 1984.
4. Bought my first 300 bps modem in 1985 for the Apple IIe.
5. Wore a spangly sequined vest in my high school's swing choir - and sang bass.
6. Attended Chaminade University of Honolulu for 2 years.
7. Attended Universidad de Salamanca in Spain for 1 year.
9. Worked in Osaka Japan for 3 years - probably for the Yakuza.
10. Married by a catholic priest to my Aussie wife in Japan.
11. Have acted in several community theater productions
12. Would like to have my head frozen at Alcor.
13. Can do good Sterling Holloway and Neil Diamond impressions
14. Founded best online community ever.

jonny says...

Blankfist - you needn't worry about my foot in your ass.

>> ^dag:
4. Bought my first 300 bps modem in 1985 for the Apple IIe.

auld skool. [edit - actually, if you were really old school, you'd have used 'baud' instead of bps.]

10. Married a catholic priest to my Aussie wife in Japan.
The Vatican is still trying to figure this one out.

rougy says...

1. My dad was a bullrider
2. My mom was a homecoming queen
3. I spent most of my childhood on a farm
4. As a child, I had a Shetland Pony named "Kong"
5. I started driving when I was twelve
6. My high school graduating class had 33 people in it
7. I'm pretty handy with a gun
8. I shot my first deer with my first shot through the heart
9. I used to be a very good pool player
10. My first car was a '67 Chevy Impala
11. I've performed in three plays
12. I wrote, directed, and edited a 30-minute movie called “Sotto Voce” about teen pregnancy
13. I've written three novels (never published)
14. I'm a college drop-out
15. I'm a Lamda Chi Alpha
16. I once had a spike haircut with a pink and purple stripe on the side
17. I over-dosed and nearly died once
18. I've tripped on LSD over 250 times
19. I once bought a quarter pound of weed to resell and deal
20. I never sold any of it and smoked it all myself
21. I taught myself how to type (70 wpm)
22. I'm a trivia buff and love NTN
23. I study Buddhism and the I Ching
24. I was once an alter boy in the Catholic church
25. In grade school my teachers were Irish Nuns

laura says...

1. I once saved the Pink Ladies from certain squishamidge on the stage of a “Grease” production in high school by grabbing the falling scenery.
2. My wiggling fingers holding up a scenery panel were once the star of a “Grease” production in high school.
3. I have had a severed chicken foot thrown through my bedroom window by Gypsies living next door to me in Brasil.
4. I love being a mother.
5. My first car was a government auction white ‘80s-ish Ford pickup with a nice bright reflective stripe down the side which could 0-45 in two minutes.
6. I got slapped awake in math class once by a guy who bragged about having shaken the hands of each person as they boarded the Challenger before it blew up.
7. Whatever ironical force controls destiny has shown me that I am NOT going to medical school.
8. I’ve had reconstructive surgery on the left side of my face due to an unprovoked fist.
9. My exact birthday is listed on my husband’s discharge papers from the Army when he retired and I didn’t know it until a year into our marriage.
10. My husband’s ex-wife dated a guy who also dated Stevie Nicks.
11. All of the most interesting things about me are things I don’t have the guts to share on video sift.
12. I have a bright red “V” birthmark between my eyes on my forehead that turns purple when I‘m mad.
13. From second grade through 9th grade I went to school with the same 8 people in my class, 200 in the whole school K-12 and my closest friends are still them, almost 20 years later.
14. When I’m dead, you can visit me in Scottsdale, AZ any time…I will be there in a Dewar chamber, signed and done.
15. I have walked away from every material thing I owned at least three times.
16. I once assembled Nokia keypads in a factory and got to know some interesting people there.
17. I have many open opportunities to visit/do some awesome things that some people would die for, yet I prefer to stay at home.
18. My secret alternative “paths my life could have taken” includes having no ties to anyone and being a stripper.
19. I have no idea how big a size EEE shoe is, I’ve never seen one.
20. My ancestors were Vikings.
21. One of my best childhood friends was a girl who lived in a “cardboard box” down the hill from the seminary I lived in, who I used to play Barbies with.
22. I am addicted to understanding other people’s realities.
23. I will hug anyone.
24. My first conscious memory is noticing the wind.
25. I love the people on VideoSift.

guessandcheck says...

1. I like bandwagons.
2. Sang in a cathedral boychoir for several years .
2.5 Was never molested.
3. Ran/run sound for numerous plays, live shows, and recordings.
4. Got bored and dropped out of college.
5. Shelved books in a library for a few years.
6. My pops used to own a recording studio and currently owns his own music store.
7. Never broken a bone or needed stitches.
8. Worked as a telemarketer for 6 months despite rarely ever selling anything.
9. Found lots of pot (etc.) hookups working as a telemarketer.
10. My house is filled with instruments that I don't play enough.
11. I've driven 8 cars into the ground.
12. Worked as a pizza guy and again found lots of hookups.
13. Play here and there with an improv band with a revolving cast.
14. Was once caught doing naughty things in a park.
15. Had a rat tail when I was 7.
16. Had a mullet when I was 13.
17. Had my hand slammed in the hatch of an 80's Honda Civic when I was a kid.
18. Believed in Santa till I realized he used the exact same wrapping paper as my parents.
19. Built a few awesome cornfield hideouts.
20. Lost my glasses in the snow one winter only to find them 3 months later unharmed.
21. Had my entire CD collection stolen, twice.
22. Listen to NPR all the time, though have never donated.
23. Terrible bowler.
24. Dreamed of being an architect and drew house and building designs in notebooks for years.
25. Went to caucus for Kucinich, but instead sat for Obama in Iowa after no one else showed up.

persephone says...

1. My grandmother tried to convince my 17 year old mother to have me aborted, but failed.

2. I flew in a plane for the first time when I was two and remember the air steward taking my unfinished glass of juice, because it was almost time to land.

3. I have been in close contact with dozens of venomous snakes, but never been hurt.

4. I fell in love with Persephone and her story, listening to an audio cassette in my school library at the age of 9.

5. I wasn't satisfied with my parent's explanation for the word 'rape' when I heard it on the news at the age of 6. I could tell they were lying.

6. I was the cultural representative of my school in senior year.

7. I was the first in my family to go to University.

8. I was the first woman in my family to delay marrying until after the age of 17.

9. I climbed Uluru not long after Azaria Chamberlain was taken by a dingo.

10. I used to sail 12ft Thorpes on the Brisbane River. My crew was a beautiful transvestite called Alison.

11. I dreamed of being multi-lingual as a child.

12. I love foreign languages and wish I could have kept up my German and Spanish as well as I have my Japanese.

13. I was a hostess in a Yakuza bar in Osaka for one night only.

14. I love being pregnant, giving birth and being a mother.

15. I wish I had had a lesbian relationship at least once.

16. I let my art lecturer sleep with me once because I believed it was an honour to be in his bed.

17. I drove solo across Australia once, never getting a flat or hitting a roo.

18. I meditate and am learning Chi Gung.

19. I sometimes talk to the dead and they tell me helpful stuff only they and their relatives know.

20. I know that our limited perception of reality is the reason we experience fear, anger and hatred.

21. I keep dream journals for my children. I have recorded their dreams since they first learned to talk about them.

22. My daughter reads my mind and lets me know she can do it, by bringing up whatever subject I am silently thinking about at the time.

23. I know that people I encounter are really me in another form.

24. I don't read/listen to the news/t.v. any more.

25. I will walk across Australia next time.

gwiz665 says...

1. I was an accident.
2. I hate having a father.
3. I love having a father.
4. I'm overweight and wear glasses.
5. I don't believe in mysticism, supernatural or paranormal phenomena.
6. I do believe that our minds are "hackable" and readable like reading a computer's software from hardware.
7. I don't own a TV anymore (thank you, videosift).
8. I've met people on Videosift that I am proud to call my friends, even if they don't consider me that.
9. I think I have too much of a sarcastic distance to everything.
10. I wish I could shake my growing cynicism.
11. I have never broken a bone.
12. The farthest away from Denmark that I've been is Ireland.
13. I've played many nerd-games such as Warhammer Fantasy Battles and lately Magic the Gathering (which I still play).
14. I like to drink, but I like to still be in control.
15. I don't smoke and never has regularly.
16. I don't do drugs, not even medicine unless I'm really ill.
17. I'm rarely sick.
18. I'm better at writing than talking.
19. I used to be insanely shy, and now I'm just reserved.
20. I love to perform.
21. I've played guitar for about ten years now. (I sing too, like and angel with throat cancer)
22. I love making people laugh, and I snicker about my own jokes.
23. I hate people who are full of themselves.
24. I have little patience for incompetence, but am generally un-confrontational.
25. You all enrich my life.

rottenseed says...

sorry, I'm late to your little party. Here are some things you may not know about me and you probably don't want to know about me.

1. I pee on my girlfriend in the shower
2. I haven't read a book for leisure in over 2 years
3. I'm a math nerd
4. When I was a little boy I remember playing a game with my mom's friend's daughter of the same age as me that involved her standing naked in a closet
5. I don't think I've ever had a "wet dream"
6. I used to believe in god in a non-denominational, talking to the voices in your head type of way
7. I was raised an only child
8. My mother wasn't married when she had me, I don't know my biological father
9. I used to suffer from OCD, after I realized the correlations between religion and OCD is when I stopped being religious and obsessive compulsive
10. Sometimes I go through a whole day at work without doing a thing
11. I'm a hypocrite, although I claim to hate hypocrites
12. I fall in love very easily
13. I've cheated once on an ex-girlfriend, but I've decided that cheating is not for me
14. I've never cheated in school, ever.
15. I graduated from high school with below a 2.5 gpa
16. I was part of an MLM when I was young and stupid. Then I went to this convention and realized the mass brainwashing and I filed it under "things as stupid as religion"
17. I tried to pretend like I was Buddhist when I was in my early 20s
18. There were 2 years of my life when all I listened to was Bob Marley
19. I have to shower after taking a shit
20. I'm self-conscious about my appearance, more so than a male should be
21. I'm always broke
22. I owned a condo with a buddy when I was 22, but we fell behind on payments and trashed the place then it foreclosed
23. I don't like having anal sex (giving for sure, and I don't really wanna try receiving)
24. Sometimes I prefer masturbation over sex because it's less work I don't have to worry about pleasuring anybody else
25. I divulge way too much information on the internets

therealblankman says...

1) I ride a motorcycle year-round
2) I will never buy a Harley Davidson
3) I don't like automobiles
4) I don't have cable- thanks to the internet and Videosift
5) The University of Hanoi hired me to do the voices on their English language instruction tapes
6) I am an acitve member of a suspected cult
7) I'm turning 40 in February
I played Tuba in high school- wish I still did
9) I have a huge lust-on for Salma Hayek
10) I have high hopes for the Obama presidency
11) I am positive about the future.
12) I give money to homeless people and beggars
13) My office is located in the poorest neighborhood in Canada
14) I despise hypocrisy, yet realize that we are all hypocrites in our own way
15) I use language in a very deliberate and considered manner, but find that people sometimes cut me off while speaking
16) I do not believe in legislating morality
17) I was once a born-again Christian, but then I grew a brain
18) The Big Lebowski just might be my favorite movie
19) I have a 10" long scar on my leg due to a symphony orchestra related injury
20) I used to sing opera and show-tunes professionally
21) I've never been to Europe but really want to go
22) I like smelly soaps
23) I've had 4 pet cats disappear in the last 5 or 6 years
24) I miss them terribly and won't get another
25) I don't like empty platitudes

dystopianfuturetoday says...

1. Baptized Catholic.

2. Named after a relative who was killed in the Civil War, fighting for the North.

3. Ronald McDonald was my godfather.

4. Was in many musicals, commercials, radio spots, TV shows as a kid and had a small but visible part in a well known feature film. Notable non-imdb-able credit: You can hear me singing and laughing with other kids during the credits to Poltergeist. Shannon Doherty and Chad Allen were two of my childhood friends (no, I don't keep in touch).

5. Was elected president of my elementary school. My only presidential duty was to raise the flag every morning, which I passed off to my veep.

6. Used to write 'Weird Al' style parody songs. Unfortunately, the tape on which I recorded all of these songs was lost long ago.

7. Have wide feet.

8. My first car was a used 1988 Toyota truck which I kept until 2007. It was twice broken into and thrice stolen.

9. Studied percussion and composition at USC.

10. Was in the Disneyland Christmas Toy Soldier band for two holiday seasons.

11. Did not try drugs or alcohol until I was 20.

12. Used to sell my sperm for extra income.

13. Though atheist since high school, I've twice participated in a nude pagan ritual with strippers on an isolated beach under a full moon.

14. Sleep disorders. I get night terror when I'm extremely stressed. I also occasionally sleepwalk, talk in my sleep and get sleep paralysis.

15. Hiked to the top of Half-Dome in Yosemite twice.

16. Own a fully signed Mr. Bungle New Years 2000 poster.

17. Play Theremin.

18. I've performed at Carnagie Hall, Disney Hall, The Dorothy Chandler Pavillion, among other famous venues.

19. Went to the Cannes Film Festival in 2003 with a film that I scored.

20. Scored my first (and hopefully not last) commercial feature film in 2007.

21. Played in the pit for over 100 musicals. (wonder if I've worked with guessandcheck?)

22. Haven't had cable or shopped at a Wal*Mart in a decade.

23. If I had billions of dollars, I would design video games and theme parks.

24. VS is the only online community I've ever become a part of.

25. Six inches, but girthy.

MarineGunrock says...

1) I daydream often, but retain full situational awareness
2) There's a 90% chance that I can kill you from 500 yards.
3) I have very little patience for stupid people on the road.
4) I have what are probably the world's flattest feet.
5) I can make farting noises with my neck/shoulder.
6) I can puff my neck out like a bull frog.
7) I can grab my uvula and pull it to the front of my mouth. It grosses people out.
When car alarms go off, I often fantasize about taking my rifle and shooting them.
9) PTSD is a bitch.
10) I'm only 23 and have owned four vehicles.
11) Two of them were/is a Volvo.
12) Children annoy me.
13) Except for my nieces and nephews.
14) I hate big cities.
15) I graduated in the bottom 12 percent of my High School class.
16) I was #9 in my MOS school in the Marine Corps. (Suck on that, Blankfist )
17) I love video games.
18) I'm a huge fan of Star Trek TNG and Voyager.
19) The first internet connection I had in my house as a kid was through freei.net, and I had to hide it from my parents and drag a phone line across the house to use it.
20) I'm a firm believer that all people who regularly buy bottles of water need to be punched in the face.
21) Won 2nd place in a NASA/Nat'l Science teacher's assc. "Design a spacecraft" contest when I was in grade school.
22) Got pissed that I didn't win first to get that trip to space camp.
23) People thought I was going to shoot up the school in High School. It worked to my advantage because the assholes that congregated in the middle of the hallway would part like the Red Sea when I walked down the hall.
24) I often get irritated at people and proclaim that I should be Supreme Chancellor of the World so that I could outlaw fat girls in belly shirts, guys in skin-tight pants with white plastic sunglasses, Emo, cheap beer, bottled water, cigarettes, slow drivers, people that don't pay attention to cyclists and anyone/thing else I am currently pissed at.
25) I didn't know I could count this high.

JAPR says...

1. I was raised Mormon, but got fed up with it by junior high and officially dropped it when I moved out for college.

2. I grew up on the West, but not quite the West Coast (hooray Nevada and Idaho).

3. Speaking of Idaho, I don't like potatoes as much as people assume I would.

4. The only non-Republican in my immediate family, but I wouldn't consider myself a Democrat, either. Rather, I decline from choosing a party and prefer to focus on who would be a better candidate overall, as best as I can tell.

5. I used to sing in choir all the way from sixth grade up until the end of Freshman year in college.

6. I actually missed a chance to sing at Carnegie hall with the choir here because I quit it, as well as the opportunity to go to Europe.

7. My sort-of-secret dream is to become a musician, but I'm nowhere close to good enough for that yet.

8. I play guitar and sing, and while my guitaring is starting to get decent, the lack of formal practice with singing since quitting choir has caused my technical abilities in singing to go down.

9. I own a DS and play Pokemon sometimes. Because that game series never really stopped rocking.

10. My favorite video game ever is Chrono Trigger.

11. I am a cat-lover, but am fine with dogs as well.

12. I prefer physical CDs to digital purchases, and currently own over 120 CDs, which I didn't really start purchasing until about three years ago.

13. I only buy CDs without checking them out by downloading first if it's one of my favorite artists and I'm convinced that it's going to be good.

14. I study Japanese, and recently received a rating of "Advanced-low" on the ACTFL Proficiency scale, mostly due to not having devoted any time to studying vocabulary this past semester.

15. My goal is to achieve "Advanced-high" by the end of the year and "Superior" by the time I graduate.

16. My parents see me as a bad influence on my siblings.

17. I drink a lot, and good Belgian ale and German hefeweizen.

18. I don't really smoke, though I have tried it a few times.

19. JAPR are actually my initials.

20. The "A," which is the name I go by, was my Great-Grandfather's middle name, which he went by as well.

21. I have yet to own a car.

22. I spend more money on guitar equipment and CDs than I do on books for classes.

23. I am a habitual procrastinator.

24. I love VideoSift even when it is exactly what I should avoid when I have a deadline for a paper.

25. I still have absolutely no clue what I want to do with my life.

Farhad2000 says...

1. I have lived through a coup attempt in Zambia, perpetuated by a military officer who called himself Captain Solo. Which was the name of a cheap straight to VHS movie that was shown on local TV just a week before.

2. I have lived through Gulf War 2 in March of 2003. Everyone assumed we would die in Kuwait because Iraq was going to use chemical, biological and possibly nuclear SCUD warheads. I felt sorry for all the troops forced to put on their MOPP suits every time there was an alarm. It was surreal.

3. I nearly got kidnapped in a car in Lusaka, a car thief was trying to break into our car while I was sleeping in the back. I stopped him by locking down the doors fully before his hanger wire could decouple it. He looked at me with accusing eyes like I just took candy from a child.

4. I learnt English entirely by sound and watching American movies. My entire grammar structure is based around what sounds right. As such I used to have a very American accent.

5. I was born Muslim but only ever practiced it culturally. I went to the mosque only once before realizing I could not be a servant to any god because am simply too lazy to give a shit either way.

6. I spent most of my early childhood on my uncle's farm, raising chickens, doing masonry work and harvesting potatoes. This experience has made me humble.

7. I cannot live in comfort in my country because I have severe life threatening allergies to its environment.

8. I nearly drowned as a child at a water park when I got sucked in the water intake for the slipping slide ride. I vividly remember how it felt looking up through the water up at big African man who was drying himself near the pool. He jumped in and saved me. I was so scared I never got to look at his face or thank him. I regret this.

9. Africa was the best place I have lived in. Its more beautiful then most people realize. The people are in desperate poverty but are gentle and kind. You will never see more beautiful clouds anywhere else.

10. I have a purple belt in Karate that I got as a kid. I think it's totally useless and has no baring on any combat ability I have.

11. I used to stay up late at night in high school watching MTV Europe, MTVChillout and MTVAlternative nation, back when it was good.

12. Kuwait proved to me that money does not buy happiness nor does wealth make people better individuals.

13. My favourite city will always be Montreal. I had the best and worst of times there.

14. I do alot of drugs. Most of the time I don't look for a high. I look for relief. Its quite healthy for my psyche. I like psychedelics and exploring the limits of my psyche. I like to disassociate.

15. I have a heart problem and in all likely hood will die prematurely. This doesn't bother me that much.

16. I have been arrested while being high on mushrooms, the experience was surreal and hilarious and depressing all at once. My arresting officer was the splitting image of Spud from Trainspotting.

17. Deja vus scare and confuse me.

18. I been to more countries then I care to mention. People are really all the same all over.

19. I love music, I have music collection I have maintaining since middle school. I will be very sad to lose it. I love only particular songs and moments, its hard for me to say I like any particular artist. The question what is your favourite genre of music always troubles me, its hard to pick one. Alot of my music I listen to in particular moods. I would be the first person to implant a music player into my brain.

20. I love cinema, I think cinema is humanity reflected, our dreams, desires, hopes, fears and experiences.

21. I wish I could stop being so cynical.

22. I don't know what to do with my life.

23. I used to go to the roof of my building in Africa and sleep under a full starry sky. Trying to pick out the satellites.

24. Life is hard to take seriously, I feel like I have been here before, and did all this before. I expect to wake up any minute now.

25. I feel like I shared too much.

peggedbea says...

1. i was baptized mormon
2. i spent ages 12-19 being thrown out of my house, tossed around to relatives and eventually just running away
3. it gave me a righteous love of travel and the desert
4. every single person in my family (extended too) is mentally ill, or has a personality disorder, excluding my children, seriously.
5. rush limbaugh is my cousin
6. i have ridden freight trains across the american west
7. i have hitchhiked in 15 states
8. i dont really like female authors
9. i almost aborted both of my children
10. i have a nephew with cri du chat, agenesis of the corpus collosum and cerebal palsy
11.i am very disappointed in the videos on cri du chat available on youtube, all those little pricks should have failed their biology projects
12. it annoys me when holistic wellness ignores or misrepresents science, but i fall for it sometimes, and also when science disregards the importance of taking care of yourself holistically, there is balance in the middle.
13. my brother is working on a phd in cosmology, 15 years ago he was addicted to crack, im proud of him
14. i spent 4 years married to an alcholic who beat me.
15. my kids have an imaginery dad that they made up, he likes dinosaurs, science, playing candy land, and bob the builder, at night he goes to his own house because we are divorced
16. men have shit their pants to be near me, yeah im that fucking charming videosift
17. arguments do not hold my attention very long
18. i will not talk to people who scream
19. im completely fascintated by the human body, and both of my careers are centered around it.
20. im completely fascinated by the evolution of culture. baking bread gets me going on a hardcore cultural evolution tangent FOR HOURS, my friends are sick of hearing it
21. i have lived and been sustained with zero material posessions (except, the clothes on my back and the shank in my boot) for an extended amount of time
22. all i really want to be when i grow up is a mom
23. my tubes have been tied for almost 4 years, i still take pregnancy tests regularly
24. i only post this shit so i can read what i wrote about me later
25. as a child of abuse, im a little more narcisistic than id like to be

burdturgler says...

1. I cooked dinner for Motley Crue.

2. I had my first real kiss while on a boat in a lake in Canada. She couldn't speak English. I couldn't speak French.

3. Some of my ancestors were pirates in Ireland.

4. I've wrecked 3 cars.

5. I fractured my neck (see #4).

6. I'm planning to be frozen by Alcor when I die.

7. I'm a formerly recovered sift addict who has fallen off the wagon.

8. I was a level 80 warlock in EQ2

9. I like cigars.

10. I grew several pounds of fantastic weed in a small closet.

11. I have an electric guitar that I've never played.

12. My first words were "wow" and "no".

13. I've seen a UFO.

14. I'm part Blackfoot Indian.

15. My first computer was a C-64 w/ a cassette tape drive.

16. I love the ocean. The salt air .. sound of the sea gulls ..

17. I sing like shit but do it loudly anyway.

18. I was on a first name basis at the emergency room when I was a kid.

19. The beauty of the sky at night and the expanse of space leaves me struck with awe every time I look up.

20. I'm terrified of bees and I think they know it.

21. If I could only ever have one video game, it would be Morrowind.

22. The only movie I've ever been to with my father was Star Wars. It's also the only time I remember an audience standing up and cheering at the end.

23. I sleep with the TV on so I don't have to hear myself think.

24. I procrastinate finishing things.


Ornthoron says...

1. I was both baptised and confirmed a Lutheran Protestant, but I have been an atheist and/or agnostic all my life.

2. I am a realist by mind and an optimist by heart.

3. I have a brown spot in one of my otherwise blue eyes.

4. I have flown a Vomit Comet.

5. I didn't vomit.

6. I played euphonium in the Norwegian military's Royal Guard's marching band.

7. I performed with them in front of several thousand spectators in a hockey venue in Halifax.

8. I have later switched to the jazz trombone.

9. I started singing in choirs when I was 20.

10. I was once mistaken for a girl at an airport in India, and got searched behind a curtain by two female customs officers instead of the burly male officer.

11. I have been humiliated in basketball in front of several million indian TV viewers.

12. I have never taken painkillers against a hangover, no matter how terrible.

13. I am very skinny, in spite of my exercise-free lifestyle.

14. I have two brothers who are remarkably similar to me in every conceivable way.

15. I wore braces into high school.

16. I consider myself a competent and safe driver.

17. I nearly crashed the car on the same day I got my driver's license.

18. I have never used a spellchecker.

19. I know a lot about quantum mechanics.

20. I have tried to learn string theory and failed miserably.

21. I have no idea what kind of job I want to make a living of.

22. I think I would be a good father.

23. I talk a more high class norwegian than my background should suggest.

24. When watching a movie, I am frequently the only person laughing. (Except if my brothers are there too.)

25. VideoSift is the internet community I have invested most emotionally in.

maatc says...

1. I dated Joe DiMaggios grand niece in high school

2. I have ben on a plane when it was struck by lightning

3. I shook Bill Clintons hand when he was president

4. I smuggled a machete onto a commercial flight as a kid

5. I did not get my drivers license until the age of 28

6. I have a ten inch scar on my belly from having my spleen removed

7. I had no idea how long the scar was until I measured it for this post

8. I went on a pilgrimage to Kurt Cobains house in Seattle a few months after his death

9. I once went to a school protest dressed as Frank N. Furter

10. I have climbed Mt. Warning for sunset on three different occasions

11. I have touched a dead person

12. I once threw confetti in Dieter Bohlens face at a party

13. I once jumped out of a cab because I couldn´t pay the fare

14. I had a backstage pass for a Michael Jackson concert, but was too young to know what it meant

15. I clung to a fence for three hours in the pouring rain at the same Michael Jackson concert so I could see better

16. I once applied for a boy band, but the application was returned unopened because of insufficient postage

17. I can´t sing

18. I can juggle

19. I design my own t-shirts

20. My mom drove me 400 miles to see Bruce Springsteen, interrupting my summer camp stay

21. My mom and I jumped a fence in 1987 to go see David Bowie at an open air concert in Hamburg

22. I have a cool mom

23. I skipped school once to go to a Garth Brooks concert in Frankfurt dressed as a cowboy

24. I don´t have a middle name

25. I registered an email account for my son on the day of his birth

26. I never know when to stop

Edit: Just thought another thing that really belong in this list (Just tells you 26. is really true!):

27. During my lifetime I have found three messages in a bottle.

Enzoblue says...

1. My mom and dad met at a Denny's, he was a fry cook and she was a waitress.

2. I have a deep love for diners.

3. My military records show me as 5'10" 98lbs when I entered boot camp.

4. My first dog was named Breezer because of his long hair in the breeze.

5. I once saw the northern lights from a helicopter off the coast of Norway.

6. My youngest brother's favorite memory of me is when I beat up a bully for him at an HS football game.

7. My favorite memory of my younger brother is when he confronted a guy in a bar who wanted to hit me and poked him in the chest until he left.

8. My first car was a Rover 2000.

9. I lived on the streets in Orange County CA for 3 years.

10. I bought a bike while in Shanghai China, rode it for a week then gave it to a poor bicycle repairman.

11. My worst job ever was cleaning the bottoms of boats.

12. I bought a hooker in Den Helder Netherlands when I was 19.

13. I once dated the daughter of the guy who invented Astroturf.

14. I'm not a huge music fan and despise people who can't function without it.

15. I've been to the desert and feel that the silence has changed me.

16. I had a professor once call me a melodrama junkie.

17. I am the only member of my family that likes both lima beans and liver.

18. My dad died as a hermit living in a tool shed in Alabama.

19. I've been truly in love twice.

20. I once shared a beer with Kathy Valentine of the Go Go's.

21. My sister blames me for 2 of my 4 nephews being atheists.

22. I had a military trainer once tell me I had great flexibility and no balance.

12511 says...

I can tell you what it meant: 25 million dollars to drop your lawsuit.

>> ^maatc:
14. I had a backstage pass for a Michael Jackson concert, but was too young to know what it meant

12511 says...

1. I hate memes.

2. I dated a girl because she owned a 69 Corvette Stingray.

3. I am teaching myself Trigonometry and Calculus.

4. I ate 30 packets of Smarties candy today.

5. My teeth hurt.

6. I really hate living in Boise, Idaho.

7. I refuse to move because I fear change.

8. I wrote a letter to President Clinton when I was 10 years old, asking him to make abortion illegal.

9. I've never been outside of the United States.

10. My roommate got me hooked on Sudoku.

11. I think of Timothy McVeigh as a war hero.

12. I am not racist against people who don't fit stereotypes.

13. I am an excelent speler.

14. I am a virgin.

15. I've never been to Virginia.

16. I am fascinated by the etymology of words.

17. I can say the alphabet backwards while drunk...flawlessly.

18. I am a boring person.

19. I love wearing Hawaiian shirts.

20. My first memory is of my neighbor's dog, Oscar, trying to bite my left index finger off. Apparently they don't like to be poked in the eye by a toddler.

21. I've never broken a bone.

22. I have been known to troll chat rooms disguised as an ultra-conservative Christian.

23. I have a picture of Jessica Tandy in my wallet...don't ask.

24. My seventh birthday party was at McDonald's. I haven't been back since then.

25. I am a vegetarian.

Ryjkyj says...

1. Lying is without a doubt my greatest skill.

2. I stopped doing homework after seventh grade, though somehow managed to stay in the school system until my senior year.

3. I'm a pack-a-day smoker.

4. My favorite food is Burgerville double cheeseburgers.

5. I have been to Australia.

6. I once rolled an ounce of weed into a single joint.

7. I have no wisdom teeth. They'll never grow in.

8. I used to be allergic to dairy products but grew out of it. (thank fucking god)

9. I've never been in a fight, though I started taking martial arts at 5 years old.

10. I read Anne Rice's "Sleeping Beauty" trilogy in one night.

11. I've broken almost every bone in both of my arms, up to and including both collar bones.

12. Whiskey is the only thing that makes me black-out.

13. I've always had a major fear of zombie's.

14. I won the Clark County Sheriff's poster contest when I was 6. Don't play with matches.

15. I've lived in Washington, Oregon, Texas and New York City.

16. I voted for Nader in 2000.

17. I carpeted Jean-Claude Van Damme's sister in law's living room.

18 The only celebrities I've seen in New York are Uma Thurman and Peter Dinklage.

19. George Carlin is my one and only hero.

20. I had a ticket to the last Greatful Dead show that Jerry Garcia played but I didn't go and never saw them live.

21. I own the entire "Elfquest" collection.

22. I love the rain.

23. I once peed shoulder-to-shoulder with Mahatma Gandhi's grandson, Arun Gandhi.

24. I DESPISE the word poop. It makes me sick just to type it. Why can't we just call it shit?

25. I could've put some really embarassing shit on this list.

poolcleaner says...

1. I work for a video game company.
2. I'm pretty good at video games, but I don't play fighters.
3. Our "break" room has nothing but fighters: Street Fighter 3, 4 and Marvel Versus Capcom. We have a Wii, but it's always occupied with people playing Smash Bros. Brawl.
4. I once lived on someone's couch and went by the name Guitar Matt, because my name is Matt and all I did was play Guitar Hero.
5. I'll probably work at the same company for the rest of my life.
6. I skate pools.
7. I did not choose my handle because of skateboarding.
8. I just started doing indoor rock climbing, because I'm tired of weight lifting. Ugh.
9. I spend a lot of time with PK Cali (Parkour California) and have met David Belle. On weekends you may see me crawling, climbing and jumping around UCLA, Fullterton college, or various California parks with old walls.
10. My body is always sore.
11. I probably have ADD.
12. Despite probably having ADD, I read a lot of books.
13. I cannot read one book for more than an hour, so I'm usually reading 5 to 10 books at a time.
14. I can't bring myself to study for anything. As such, I'll never finish college.
15. I did a lot of extracurricular activites in high school, despite having a C average -- or maybe that's why I had a C average.
16. Doing drugs has been the only way for me to concentrate. Unfortunatley it does not help me study. (I did not do drugs in high school, nor in college.)
17. I was in academic decathelon in high school because they needed a smart person with a C average. I won a lot of medals.
18. I was in drama and have written, directed and starred in several plays.
19. I was a film major until I realized the reality of filmmaking, namely the spending and aquiring of large sums of money.
20. The man who wrote and directed The Stewardesses, Allan Silliphant, is a family friend. His brother was Sterling Silliphant, who is best known for winning an Academy Award for In the Heat of the Night and being close friends with Bruce Lee.
21. Like my father, I am a jack of all trades and a master of none.
22. My grandfather was in the Navy and worked for General Dynamics during the Cold War, investigating missle silos. He told my father freaky stories about nuclear isotopes and communists hiding in closests. My uncle described my grandfather as being to the right of Archie Bunker. All in the Family was his favortie show, he said nigger a lot, owned a German Shepard and had several guns nearby at all times. He was also an atheist. Oddly enough, it was his atheism that my parents were scared of the most. "Grandpa's going to hell, son." If there's a hell, he'll probably be there, but not for being an atheist.
23. I'm not quite white trash, but I wouldn't be entirely uncomfortable living off the land in a shack full of automatic weapons, distrustful of the government, waiting for the revolution.
24. I'm neither religious nor rascist, nor am I an atheist. I just don't care.
25. I'm writing a book. My screenplays have never sold. One of my professors suggested I write a book, then write the screenplay for the book. Only problem is, I can't concentrate (which is why I wrote screenplays to begin with) so it's taking me forever. Ugh.
26. I have been drawing since conception and have been doing life drawing off and on for 8 years, but I don't see myself pursuing a career in it. It's just for fun -- which pretty much sums up my life.

gwiz665 says...

24. I'm neither religious nor rascist, nor am I an atheist. I just don't care. "

Then you are by definition an atheist. (As in without any particular faith)

Dignant_Pink says...

1. my music tastes vary widely. ipod contents include death metal, reggae, swing, ska, punk, pop, hardcore rap, funk, and christian. enjoy it.

2. i've had strong feelings for a lot of girls, but it's hard for me to say i love anyone. last time i said that, something bad happened.

3. my dog shares a death-day with heath ledger.

4. i have a few shows that i watch religiously, 24 and LOST spring to mind.

5. i'm friends with my own mother on facebook. is that weird?

6. I got accepted to two different colleges by the grace of God, and i have no idea which one i want to go to.

7. I'm more religious than i let on. i go to church every sunday.

8. i have done e-brake turns in my car, and it's sooo much fun.

9. Ricky Jay is my idol.

10. I think everyone should know at least one card trick.

11. I have a twin brother, and we're really close. we do almost everything together.

12. I'm not a vegetarian, nor could i ever be. but somehow, every time i've ever made a vegetarian joke, there's been one in the room.

13. i have a lot of good friends, but i feel like i don't have any "best" friends.

14. btw, my friends are as varied as my music.

15. I'll try anything once, whether it be food or activity.

16. i plan on becoming an english teacher, so i'm a grammar nazi. i will correct your grammar, all the time.

17. Top 5 movies: Snatch, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Fight Club, Sin City.

18. i consider myself lucky, compared to others. my house is a nice size, my parents are still together, i have my own computer and tv, and a ps2 and xbox, not to mention a ton of books, movies, and misc. games.

19. I love ska. I’m kind of in a ska band, but we need to practice soon. We haven’t practiced since November.

20. I’m friendly and nice and not ugly at least. But for god’s sake, I can’t hold onto a girlfriend to save my life. Idk what it is.

21. Sometimes I feel like the only reason I’m here is to help other people. So that’s what I say. “I’m here to help.”

22. If I find a song I like, I will generally play it until I’m sick of it. This happens a lot.

23. I broke my hand in 4th grade after getting hit by a car. Worst pain I’ve ever felt.

24. I have the strangest friends. I will openly admit to hating one of my friend’s guts. With a straight face. He’s probably my best friend.

25. i once shot a man, just to watch him die.

26. One of the above statements is a lie.

poolcleaner says...

>> ^gwiz665:
24. I'm neither religious nor rascist, nor am I an atheist. I just don't care. "
Then you are by definition and atheist. (As in without any particular faith)

If I said I believed we're all the observational apparatuses of an undetermined god and that I speak with trees on a regular basis, would you say I'm an atheist?

gwiz665 says...

I'd say you were ka-ka for coco pops, but yeah, animist is probably more fitting.

>> ^poolcleaner:
>> ^gwiz665:
24. I'm neither religious nor rascist, nor am I an atheist. I just don't care. "
Then you are by definition and atheist. (As in without any particular faith)

If I said I believed we're all the observational apparatuses of an undetermined god and that I speak with trees on a regular basis, would you say I'm an atheist?

13757 says...

1. i never write anything true about me anywhere ever.

2. one day I saw this blog about writing 25 random things about oneself

3. and no one but me had this mark next to the name that noted my marginal status to the community posting on that blog.

4.It felt awkward,

5. maybe 1/6000000 part of what's like to have a star on a vest...

6. i've felt compelled to participate in a community inside my monitor

7. it's happened when i started reading comments on youtu...

8. on videosift in fact.

9. the more i read on this site throughout several years the less reticent i felt about joining,

10. but at the same time, i knew the secret services were stalking.

11. so it made me realize something

12. yeah, never write stuff about myslef anywhere

13. and when i wrote #12 i realized something else

14. you're paranoid, mister (oops, can be Miss, it can, ah believe this, it can be anything)

15. somehow this guitar riff from a 60's heavymetal band popped in my head

16. where i come from heavymetal bears the dicotomy of boring wannabeism and when foreign heavymetal comes to town it is profusely examined before being applauded or thrown rocks and bottles at ON STAGE fuk yeah

17. i used to like heavy metal when i was a kid and an innocent victim of the anglosaxonic music industry

18. but one day i became a none victim and started listening to coltrane, faaaantaaastic . . .

19. then i saw my father enjoying traditional music from our country so i formed a real band with the best people in the world and we started doing our music, it's not industrialized (yet) and non anglosaxonic so we're pretty much satisfied

20. people consider the band's product qualifiable as artistic (not "Kanye West is an artist" or "best artist of the year mtv award" kind of artistic)

21. but we know better, i'm an art student and what people mean it's that the band's product is aesthetically touching

22. but welcome to the present time, you sell you art, you appear you famous you artist (not verbs i know)

23. I noticed my brain functions in english when i write or speak english

24. I speak several languages.

25. I think that the english language is becoming a global dialect, a tool to global communication and aknowledges less and less its cultural origins since what the globe knows about english in its majority are memes and sterile things as such

volumptuous says...

1- I once drove Zsa Zsa Gabor's Rolls Royce with her husband in the passenger seat

2- The same day, Zsa Zsa spilled her hommade soup on a white shirt I was wearing

3- I've never impregnated a girl

4- A song I wrote has been banned in Thailand (1 woman, 2 men...google it)

5- I've been a non-theist since the age of 8

6- I don't like any of the tattoos that I have

7- When I was ten years old, I killed a turtle with a rock and felt horrible ever since.

8- As a kid, I cried at the end of the M*A*S*H series

9- My band was the in-house band for the 2000 AVN (porn) awards ceremony

10- I once sang a song with Ween on stage (up on the hill)

11- I've never been in a car accident nor received a traffic ticket, yet I've been driving for 25 years

12- I never graduated from high school and don't really care about a GED or whatever, also

13- My band gigged regularly from 1982-1988

14- When I was 7, I pooped in my pants at a playground, then ran into a local bar, removed my underwear and left them in a bathroom stall (little kids undies in a bar's bathroom?!)

15- I can't remember a couple of my past girlfriends' names

16- My first animation gig was working on a Bjork video in 1996

17- I collect matchbooks from around the world (for reasons unknown to me)

18- I am consciously and happily addicted to the internets and aware of all of its traditions

19- My best friend in Jr. High was caught by the FBI for phreaking (1984)

20- I was given a 22 revolver for my 4th birthday

21- My family has owned most farm animals, except a cow

22- I had a spinal tap at age 17

23- I've never broken a bone

24- There are unwritten symphonies constantly playing in my head

25- I once gave John Draper (Captain Crunch) a ride home from an outdoor rave

26- The only goals I have in life are to have as many peak experiences as possible, and try to be a nice and smart person

Sarzy says...

1. I'm not actually a chimp.

2. I have a political science BA even though I'm completely apathetic when it comes to politics.

3. I am (was) related to Edward Said.

4. I hate the word "foodie."

5. I am a foodie (for lack of a better word).

6. I slept with the lights on until my first year of university.

7. I once played a racing game in an arcade with John Tesh.

8. I went to film school.

9. I'm abandoning my dreams of becoming a filmmaker and going into law school in September (assuming one will accept me).

10. One of the highlights of my life (recently at least) was actually hiring a steadicam operator for a recent short film I made (which will probably end up being the last film I ever make).

11. The most times I've ever seen a film theatrically was Punch Drunk Love (seven times).

12. I've been playing videogames since the Atari, and would definitely call myself a gamer, though I've probably only finished maybe 20 or so games all the way through.

13. I am way more of an introvert than I'd like to be (ie. I'm distressingly shy).

14. Stanley Kubrick is a god to me.

15. I cannot stand people who use the word "guesstimate".

16. I've only watched three movies at home in the last two months thanks to the humongous time-sink that is World of Warcraft.

17. The first thing I ever downloaded was a picture of Andrew Dice Clay from a BBS. It was mind-blowing.

18. I made my first website, a Duke Nukem 3D fansite, in 1996. You can still see it at the internet archive (http://web.archive.org/web/19981205233542/http://members.aol.com/knusair/duke3d/duke3d.htm).

19. When I first heard about 3D cards, I thought "a card just for 3D graphics? What a ridiculous idea, that'll never fly." I bought my first 3D card (a Monster 3D) a couple of years later.

20. I can't stand watching or playing sports of any kind (even hockey, which means I can never truly be a Canadian, despite being born here and living here all my life).

21. I can't stand the taste of beer (see above, RE: not a real Canadian).

22. My family is Palestinian on both sides, though I rarely tell people that to avoid the inevitable discussions/conflict.

23. I wear a Mickey Mouse watch.

24. I've never been in a fight.

25. I would like to one day travel to every country in the world, with the exception of the super-poor and/or scary ones (ie. I have no real desire to go to, say, Afghanistan).

Thylan says...

1: I tend to be too long winded. after reading several of these, i started writing my own in my head. Even in my head i realised some points would need footnotes because i am not concise.

2: when speaking i can sustain a single sentence for so long, that people glaze over, loosing focus on the words that im saying and become facinated by the fact that i am not breathing. they often feel forced to inturpt me to demand that i breath.

3: I have come to learn reacently that i place enourmouse value on respect. being respected by others, and in my giving it (more slack on that). this insight has come from my realising so many relationships (esp family) had not included it, and i had acepted this, without realising what was absent.

4: I often find that other people are facinating when i shutup and let them speak about themselves. doing so enriches me, and i feel my life events are so less interesting in comparison. There is a balance to be ahd here, which i have not achived

5: I am dislexic. i'm also lazy. i could spellcheck this, but i've chosen not to for ilisturtive purpoises. i often misspell phoneticaly. where i have not its probably a typeo. these are not the same thing. i've correct a few of those or this would be genuinly ilegiable.

6: I feel that the human mind is incredible. it can re-peace together information from a single with a lot of noise in. like typos/misspellings, or a crowded room/party. the mind is so good at this that we can stop listening to people, thinking we've heard them and understood, when actualy we havent. listening is a pasive act, not an active one.

7: i have insights that are not original and get me nowhere either.

8: I once had my right testicle swell from about walnut size to bigger than a tenis ball in a mater of minuits. my left was unchanged. they injected morphine into my leg to calm me down. this was good.

9: one of my middle names is Kevern. It is after a cornish town near where i was born.

10: my mother was one of the last débutantes, introduced to the queen. my father was working class, and became an anglican vicar. This has left me with mild class confusion. i can be neither upper, nor working class, as i lack the inside information both would have. so i must be a variation of middle. about as mild and irelivant an identity crissis as one can have. very british.

11: i consider myself both british and cornish, but not enlgish.

12: I am a geek. i read alot, would have collected comics had there been a shop near when growing up (and had i had money), played warhamer 40k/bloobowl, RPGs etc. still do. only reacently played DnD. wasnt keen. want to play a game with a few friends to a system im making up myself.

13: I dont belive women like men. This is not a logical feeling, but its clear i feel it deep down. I get symanticaly hung up on things, and feel the term "men" is to broad. "women tend to like some men" is perfectly true. this is only important because i consider myself a member of "men" but, not of "some men". this is deeply unoriginal i'm sure, but influences how i interact with people, and is so likely to be one of the many factors that maintain my singleness. I mention it because its something about myself i'd like to change, but about which i feel powerless to do so.

14: I have 1 older brother. I always wanted to have a daughter, but I now dislike my own genes so strongly, i would not like to be a genetic father. as i am 31, this may not matter. I would hope i could be a good father. I would be determined to not make the mistakes my own father did, but would likely faily in atelast part as well as making my own new ones. joy.

15: I am thin, but not fit. i'd like to be strong. but i play video games for hourse. I like dance, freestyle, and almost joined a dance group as a child, but was peer preasured out of it. i like to sing, but am not good. I have reacently started Capoeira. this seems to be a wonderfull balance of all those thigns for me.

16: I grew up always imaging i would go to university and get a degree because that was what you did. discovering that this was not an expectation/aspiration/the norm for some people shocked me, because it made me realise how much i'd taken that path for granted.

17: I wanted to be an astrophysicist. i longed for space but the UK has no space program and im not that bright.

18: i have changed academic course in my life several times, at alive, degree, and then quit my PHD after 18months of it due to realising i had a violent hatred towards it and was depressed.

19: I once had to ask a friend in class how to spell the word "the" because i had forgotten. this was a foolish move.

20: As a young child, my bowels did not tell me when they needed to be evacuated. they just did their own thing. This was socially disastrous. 2 years ago i had 1/3rd of my large intestine removed due to cancer, and now im just glad they work atall. perspectives change.

21: I have great respect for the military, but dislike that we need one. I understand their need for discipline, but had i joined, would likely have passively resisted it untill i had gone insane. i am contridictions.

22: I can hold long converastions with myself, often considering what i would say to people, going overthings and yet once did not speak to a person for almost a week. i was brushing amdness, had breakdowns, and have had a panic attack in a restaurant. the human condition can be frustraighting.

23: I've gone over 24hrs without eating more than once, because i've been busy/distracted. i dont always take good care of myself. i dont always care.

24: I have things i need to be doing. I barely watch any videos on VS any more, due to time. maybe 1 or 2 every 2 weeks. and yet i check sift-talk/blogs page daily. the people matter.

25: as i keep mentioning, my new belife system is atheist. It seems that lossing christianity is very common, but as when someone is first converted, the point of change can be a profund period internaly. I have a strong science background, and a respect for holistic things. i dont reject things i dont understand, but i dont integrate them either. i belive in chaos. belife is not worship. i dont worship anythign.

26: i found others lists very interesting. i doubt mine has been, but found value in typing it. theres in isight in the selections i chose, from many for the 25, and i apologise that being of interest to others is not the primary criteria i chose by

Farhad2000 says...

>> ^Thylan:
18: i have changed academic course in my life several times, at alive, degree, and then quit my PHD after 18months of it due to realising i had a violent hatred towards it and was depressed.

Sounds like me and my 4 year long stint in a Economics program.

EDD says...

1. Love my wife

2. Consider myself the best husband/partner ever

3. Been recently told by some tests I'm in the IQ top 1-2%, am planning to join Mensa

4. Am pretentious

5. Think I have a very very very high pain threshold

6. Once broke both arms' ulnae and radii and went on with my daily activities for a week until family finally persuaded me to have an X-ray

7. Told not a single lie for approx. 4 years (2001-2005)

8. Talked very little for approx. 4 years (2001-2005)

9. Am an extremely efficient lie-spotter; am a lousy liar

10. Lost my sky-high narcissistic ambitions some 3 years ago

11. Am becoming too altruistic for my own good

12. Am becoming too cynical for my social status' good

13. Have been assured I WILL be (no confusion with might be/could be) the president by more than 20 adults outside family who actually meant it

14. Don't want to hold no political power; strong desire to possess/command extreme scientific power

15. Dislike all kinds of stupid shit, want to help the world get rid of it

16. Nowadays am thinking of ways to make help humanity give up indoctrination whenever I have a moment of leisure

17. Love bunnies ever since wife nicknamed me "Rabbit"; turns out last name is actually literally French for "Rabbit"

18. Have had greying hair since age of 18

19. Heart has occasionally raced well over 200 beats per minute since at least the age of 8; did so at one point while writing this

20. In a perfect world would be an astrophysicist

21. Saved a couple of girls from gang rapes on two separate occasions

22. Had/still kind of have an obsessive desire to save a drowning person's life; actually stalked people on city canal ice in winter a couple of times

23. Have no idea what to specifically do with my life other than knowing I should/could make my wife and some 6,8bn other folks happy

24. Never ever smoked a cigarette/did any drugs

25. Feel grateful to this amazing one of a kind community for providing quality entertainment and enlightenment.

rougy says...

5. Think I have a very very very high pain threshold

That's cool for soldiers and killers, but I think fussiness is the cornerstone of civilization.

What if....

Daddy, what's wrong with this cave?

Mommy, I don't want to wear clothes!

Hey, you! Put out that fire!

kagenin says...

Yeah, I know it's been a while since someone last posted here, but I feel like sharing.

1) I was once ranked in the top 150 ExpertCTF for Quake2 players in the world by TheCLQ.com, and I did it on dial-up.

2) I am only a few credits shy of getting an AA. I don't consider myself a drop-out, but it has been a very long time since I was in school.

3) Every girl I've been with ranks me somewhere between "really awesome" and "the best they ever had" in bed.

4) I once got my car stuck in the middle of Tahoe National Forest.

5) I used to be a boy scout.

6) Both my girlfriend and I have an aversion to using firearms.

7) I sleep with a very sharp 18" black ninja sword next to my bed.

I once did security for a Taj Mahal concert. I got him and his band to sign my badge.

9) Like many other sifters I've also worked in community theater, mostly backstage work.

10) I've studied martial arts off and on, since I was 8. I have 4 years of experience in American Kempo Karate (the stuff Ed Parker taught Elvis), and 4 years of Aikido training. Aikido had a bigger impact on my life.

11) When I was in 8th grade, my Odyssey of the Mind team came in Second place in regional competition. Only our teacher's team did better than us in our category. I wore a tiger costume (an orange jumpsuit I made, and then drew stripes on).

12) For about 4 years, I worked in a place Mark Twain, and two presidents once slept.

13) My parents own a Yellow-naped Green Amazon parrot. I'll likely inherit him. He's been in the family since I was in 4th grade.

14) I have never had any urge to join the military.

15) I've walked through the red light district in Amsterdam.

16) As a waiter, I once served the author of Schindler's List.

17) I've had long hair for most of my life.

18) I enjoy dueling friends using a Shinai - a traditional bamboo training sword.

19) I'm addicted to Yahoo! Answers. It's sad, but there's so many noobs who need schooling. I got to level 6 answering a bunch of the same questions in the Wii category.

20) I used to have a pet Goose.

21) I didn't sleep at all last night.

22) I was told many times growing up I could have been a model. I would rather be known for contributing something more to the world than just my looks, though, so I never pursued it.

23) I have mastered the head-stall footbag technique.

24) I don't kick footbag as much since rolling my ankle a couple years ago.

25) When I was in 1st grade, my dad would sometimes guest host for a friend's late night community radio program. The couple times he took me along were awesome.

deputydog says...

*promote motherfucker

1) my feet stink.
2) i have a high IQ - can't remember what is because my memory's fucking awful.
3) i swear like a bastard.
4) i know next to nothing about politics.
5) i've only owned a car once. i paid for it to be scrapped after a week.
6) my brother is one of gordon ramsay's chefs, i'm extremely jealous.
7) i'm horrific at paying bills, through sheer disorganisation and laziness.
i stopped growing vertically when i was approx. 16yrs old.
9) i can't get enough marmite down my throat.
10) i can go days without showering.
11) i have a weak bladder.
12) i often find it hard to have conversations with non-friends. it's not that i'm shy - it's just the part of my brain responsible for storytelling is inactive/missing.
13) all of my socks have holes in them.
14) asparagus affects the smell of my urine within minutes of its consumption. literally.
15) i wish i'd studied architecture at university rather than a course which woulod ultimately get me nowhere in life.
16) even though i never use uppercase letters and realise the hypocrisy, the incorrect application of apostrophes riles me.
17) i really really want a pet chimpanzee.
18) water makes me sneeze.
19) it deeply saddens me to witness the now widespread incorrect usage of the word 'literally'.
20) hair growth on my body is extremely sporadic.
21) i can sleep standing up.
22) i love going for a shit.
23) i'm utterly addicted to the world wide tubes.
24) going out and getting drunk is the best thing on earth. and also the worst.
25) i fucking hate smoking and cannot stop.

Truth says...

1. Nice how you let the whole world read your deepest secrets. You can never know who will be reading. And yes, this is directed to one of you

rougy says...

>> ^Truth:
1. Nice how you let the whole world read your deepest secrets. You can never know who will be reading. And yes, this is directed to one of you

Your veiled threat will surely embrace you into the arms of this loving community.

Almanildo says...

1. Like my brother Ornthoron did, I study physics.

2. I get really good grades.

3. Like my brother Haldaug, I play the jazz saxophone. As he actually studies music, I can't really compare myself to him.

4. I also play the clarinet and the piano.

5. I got much better grades in nynorsk than bokmål, even though bokmål is the language I use.

6. I've had socialist democrat leanings for most of my life (gasp!)

7. I'm being torn in a liberal direction by my brothers and a persuasive right-wing extremist friend (by Norwegian standards).

8. Hanging on videosift doesn't help.

9. While i've never really believed in any god, I didn't call myself an atheist until about a year ago.

10. Despite this I was baptized and confirmed a Lutheran Christian. Hey, it's a cultural thing!

11. I read a lot of popular science, and like to pretend I know something just because i've read a book about it.

12. At around 8 years of age, I had a philosophy discussion club with two friends.

13. My favourite philosopher is Daniel Dennett.

14. I learned programming in High School on a Casio 9850GC+ calculator. Among the programs I wrote was a drawing program and a Mandelbrot fractal generator (which used over an hour to draw a single frame!)

15. Since that i've learned real computer languages, but have never really finished a programming project.

16. Since I moved out, I've usually gone to bed two o'clock in the morning.

17. I still do not drink that much coffee...

18. I own a Flower Stick (a kind of Devil Stick for newbs). I am good enough at it to impress people who have never seen one before.
People who have seen one is another matter...

19. Despite my grass pollen allergy, I haven't taken more than about three packs of antihistamines in my life.

20. I am a slow writer. I'll be back with a few more!

Doc_M says...

1. I once played in a Jazz band with Bruce Johnstone.
2. I used to be a trance DJ... I still have my decks and a crate of vinyl.
3. My first rave was Hullabaloo.
4. I've never broken a bone or needed a stitch.
5. I have a tatoo. Yes, they hurt.
6. In college, I ran the radio station.
7. I was only ever in two car accidents... they were both on the same day.
8. I got pulled over at 12:15am, January 1st, 2000.
9. I eat entirely too much popcorn.
10. I also love cheese.
11. I was a terror in elementary school, a teacher's pet in middle school, and an apathetic BQ in high school.
12. I love caving.
13. I love golfing.
14. Little things don't annoy me.
15. I have a rather acute sense of smell.
16. I once had a dog named Fudge. I didn't name him.
17. I haven't been sick in years.
18. I never get the hiccups. I only get one.
19. I love spicy food.
20. I like yellow... and that's just weird.
21. I was not impressed by Susan Boyle.
22. I'm a decent mimic, but I cannot for the life of me do the British accent.
23. I once had a curry dish with mill worms as the main ingredient. It was fantastic.
24. I've stopped noticing the helicopters.
25. I often have lucid dreams.

kymbos says...

1. My parents met at a Communist Party meeting in the 1950s.
2. I have never before felt compelled to write one of these things to strangers, but my love of the Sift has been growing by the week.
3. I am passionate about uncomfortable comedy.
4. My mum once accidentally ran over my leg in the family car when I was little. When I rushed to show and tell at school, no one believed me.
5. One of my major life goals is to become practical with my hands. I think my generation missed out on life skills, and I’m determined to learn them.
6. I miss my daughter every single day.
7. Most of my sifts never make it.
8. I have lived in Oz (my home country), France and Vietnam. While I can speak fluent French, I never took to Vietnamese.
9. I have ridden a motorbike every day since I lived in Vietnam, but I’m planning on trading down to a pushbike for exercise, sustainability and safety reasons. I’ve never had a serious accident, but I think it’s only a matter of time.
10. I’ve had a blessed life, filled with opportunity.
11. I would quite fancy a career in politics at some point, but I’ve had too much fun with too many people to survive the moral hypocrisy blowtorch of modern political life.
12. Alice Cooper ate at a restaurant I worked in once. He had sausages with maple syrup.
13. I consider myself a pragmatist.
14. I cannot cope with liars. They confuse me.
15. I’m not into guns, but I would like to shoot a feral pig one day to see what it feels like.
16. My personal hero is Paul Keating.
17. I once held open the door to Parliament House for Gough Whitlam – he didn’t thank me.
18. I’m not scared of heights, but I am in my dreams.
19. My favourite place in the world is Stradbroke Island
20. I was passing through the Philippines during an attempted military coup in the 1980s. There were pre-teen kids my age carrying automatic guns.
21. I’m not into computer games, but I’m very competitive and get short term addictions to internet games. I’m currently into Blast Billiards
22. I regularly play lawn bowls
23. I would love to build a sustainable house one day, like those ‘Earth Ships’ designed by the Garbage Warrior.
24. I’m neither religious nor superstitious
25. This list took me my entire lunch time to write, and it's so long since this blog was posted few will ever read it.

xxovercastxx says...

  1. When I was 4 or 5 I fell on a log that contained a bees nest and was stung over 30 times. I'm not afraid of bees anymore.
  2. I wish I had gotten to meet my maternal grandfather and I wish I had known my paternal grandfather better before he died.
  3. I seem to be immune to poison ivy and poison sumac.
  4. The only time I feel comfortable in my surroundings is when I'm out in the woods.
  5. I have always felt like an outcast, even among other outcasts.
  6. I have struggled with depression and anxiety at various times throughout my life.
  7. I think people try too hard to avoid death and that it hurts the species as a whole.
  8. I wish I didn't have to work so I could focus on hobbies and things that actually matter.
  9. In contrast to almost all my friends, I don't seem to have any phobias.
  10. I am a skeptic. I don't believe claims that aren't supported with evidence.
  11. I can make rational decisions about very emotional topics without those emotions clouding my judgment.
  12. What I think and what I feel are often at odds with each other.
  13. I really struggle to connect with people.
  14. I find humor in everything, even the most horrible things. It's my coping mechanism.
  15. I'm completely open to questions and encourage people to ask me whatever they want, especially since I'm usually at a loss for words.
  16. I spend a lot of time reading wikipedia.
  17. I really want to design and create a videogame.
  18. I have no patience for stupid people.
  19. I've never even been tempted to try drugs, cigarettes or alcohol. I just don't see the point.
  20. I think all drugs should be legalized. If you're dumb enough to smoke crack, you're supposed to die. Bring back natural selection!
  21. I have the full gamut of almost-siblings: a step-sister, a half-sister and an adopted sister.
  22. I think I've wasted most of my life.
  23. I take pride and joy in deflating big heads.
  24. I don't really like being the center of attention.
  25. I never did manage to learn to swim. Through great effort I can stay afloat for a minute or so, but that's it.

    rasch187 says...

    I guess I've delayed this for too long, but here goes:

    1. I've killed at least 250 birds
    2. and I don't feel bad about it
    3. As a kid I was a talented chess player
    4. I used to be a member of MENSA, but it was too geeky and self-indulgent for me
    5. My first car was a Seat Leon
    6. I loved that car and still miss it
    7. I've been involved in a serious car crash and was the only one to walk away unharmed
    8. The only code I know is html
    9. In school I made a fansite about Wesley Willis
    10. I've dislocated both shoulders numerous times
    11. I haven't been in a fight for over 6 years now (and I don't plan to)
    12. I'm a big fan of Liverpool FC
    13. I've never been to Liverpool
    14. I own a 12 gauge shotgun and a .30-06 rifle
    15. I'm not a big fan of handguns, but I used to have a Desert Eagle .45 (the kickback was fun and frightening at the same time)
    16. I suffer from an autoimmune disease (it's not lupus )
    17. Growing up, 3 different teachers encouraged me to see a therapist
    18. I never did
    19. I own a perfect replica of a Picasso self portrait. I love that picture.
    20. I'm a terrible dancer
    21. I love vintage clothing like hats and vests
    22. I competed in the British national athletics championship final when I was 12 yrs old (100m hurdles and 4x100m relay)
    23. I didn't win, but it was a a lot of fun
    24. My favourite number is 46
    25. I've never shot a man in Reno just to watch him die

    inflatablevagina says...

    Well now I see it is time for me to do this...

    1. Sometimes I say things innocently that end up sounding creepy... if I say "You're so cute " etc. so on... it doesn't mean I want to fuck you. Promise.
    2. I am back in school now for the first time in a long time. I am really excited.
    3. I am probably the most innocent person I know.
    4. Deep down I think that everyone is good, but misunderstood.
    5. I feel things very deeply. Probably too much.
    6. I like pasta. Love it actually. I would marry it.
    7. Almost all the guys I am attracted to look the same.
    8. I don't really count my first time as my first time. Everyone else does.
    9. I use algebra to solve problems in my life all day.
    10.I still have problems.
    11.I have a daughter who is stunningly beautiful. People stop us all the time to look at her.
    12.I sometimes act like an asshole just so people don't know how nice I am.
    13.Even though I haven't ever done it, I have decided that accupuncture is bullshit.
    14.I am in a constant state of chaos.
    15.I have a terrible memory... so much that it scares me.
    16.I make my family 3 meals a day at least. It hurts my feelings when they don't eat it.
    17.Sometimes I think my life is one giant mistake.
    18.Birth control commercials annoy me.
    19.Everyone I know who has gotten pregnant has done it while on birth control.
    20.I am so addicted to SciAm.
    21.I love math.
    22.I know so much about mitigating water damages and have never done it.
    23.I love lube.
    24.I have a giant red couch.
    25.I want to know all about everyone and I have got to know what all of you look like. It's killing me.

    UsesProzac says...

    1. I had an ex-boyfriend violently try to kill himself in front of me. It fucked me up and I dropped out of life for about four years. All my friends gave up on trying to get me out of my shell. As of right now, I have no physical friends aside from my family. I beat myself up about shutting everyone out so completely.

    2. I also have an ex-boyfriend who is on death row and he's been there for 8 years. He killed some police officers and when they were fleeing, my friend Allen was gunned down.

    3. I had a boyfriend who drowned in a lake. I don't like to call him an ex because we never broke up. He died. It's been almost ten years and I still go to his old LiveJournal and read all the entries and cry.

    4. I had a terrifying experience in New Orleans when I was 16. It never showed itself to me, but made awful tapping noises all over my hotel room. Whenever I tried to wake up my parents, it would stop. I was so very very scared.. Even typing this now, I have to repress the urge to cry and turn on all my lights. I'm sweating. When I went to sleep that night, I curled against the headboard, with my back out towards the room. I woke up in the morning and took a hot shower and when I turned around, the hot water stung on my back. I looked at my back in the mirror and there were three long scratches spanning diagonally from the tops of my shoulders to my waist. Even though they had obviously bled and scabbed, there was no blood on my shirt or on the bra I had been wearing. That experience really fucked up my religious beliefs. I like to say that I'm a complete atheist, but whenever I say that, I think back to that night and I'm afraid of what an afterlife is and who or what exists in it.

    5. I'm leaking breast milk all over my legs right now, but I'm ignoring the mess.

    6. Mensa tried to recruit me as a little girl and it freaked me out. They sent so many letters and called to speak to me all the time. They tried to talk to me at school but I was convinced they were some kind of cult. Plus, they wanted me to spend my summer taking classes and doing homework. Crazy fuckers.

    7. I had some rare kind of nerve cancer as a teenager and they cut the tumor from my chin when I was 16. The tumor and the consequent surgery left the lower part of my face numb and my lower lip a bit unresponsive. I drool on myself sometimes and when it's pointed out, I vehemently tell them I had cancer. It makes me laugh at how they scramble to apologize.

    8. I used to be really into music and I've played with several bands, ranging from rock to jazz to blues to just jamming. I was really into it and I loved performing at dives and all the free beer. No one cards you when you're the band. But after my ex tried to kill himself, I fell out of that world, too. I regret that more than anything. I love music.. Now I just play for me and somehow it's not the same.

    9. I play piano, clarinet, alto and soprano recorders[Hey, those are real instruments, too!], cello, violin, guitar, bass, any stringed instrument really, drum kit, hand drums, etc etc. I haven't really found an instrument I couldn't play. I like to sing a lot. My baby loves it when I sing. That pleases me greatly!! He's my number on fan.

    10. I was expelled the last semester of my senior year from high school for doodling in my notebook a stick figure with a crude gun pointed at its head. It was accompanied by the sentence "I hate chemistry." The teacher walked by and saw it, seized it and dragged me to the principal. I was arrested for threatening students with a handgun. [My drawing wasn't specific, I mean, it could have been a sawed-off shotgun?? It was more of a sideways L..] I got 9 months of probation and had to get my diploma by correspondence. It was hilarious and fucked up all at the same time.

    11. I had a neighbor freak out on cocaine and whatever else that guy was on. He came over and kept my roommates and I hostage and screamed at us about "sounding out" at night. He also put my roommate's Diamonda Galas CD on and played it full volume. That's what got the police there. Thank God for Diamonda's screeching voice or my other neighbor's wouldn't have called the cops. He also tried to strangle our cat. When the police finally busted down the back door, he was screaming about how he would kill us all. The cops took him to the ground and he told them he was the mayor and they would be fired. Heh.

    12. I've been the victim of rape many times. I wonder sometimes if I have an aura that tells people it's ok to hurt me like that..

    13. When my baby cried for almost 7 hours straight, I honestly contemplated smothering him. I feel evil because of that.

    14. I had a college reading level by fourth grade and teachers would get upset that I wanted to read during recess. I read the same books as my mother and father and of course, some had "questionable" content. Whenever they confiscated one of my books, my dad would get royally pissed and scream at them over the phone. I still love to read. I read compulsively. I read all the labels of everything I buy just because. When I take a shit, if there's nothing to read, I read the back of the shampoo or whatever is close by. To my utter shame, I have read harlequin romance novels. I'll read anything within arms reach, even if it's utter shite. I really love a good book, though. Don't get me wrong!

    15. I won a national short story contest for children when I was 12. The story was about a demon who disemboweled hapless victims during one cold winter night. I only really remember one part where the entrails steamed in the snow. What the fuck was wrong with those judges??

    16. I talk way, way too much.

    17. I have CPS involved in my life because I tested positive in my urine for marijuana when I went to the hospital to deliver my son. I hadn't smoked pot in almost six months. The CPS people call me a liar, but I'm not fucking lying. I read that pot can sometimes be detected up to 90 days after, but it had been twice that. Now I have to go to counseling twice a week for 6 months and they randomly drop by and drug test. They assess my whole house each time and write it up when I don't do the goddamn dishes. I hate CPS. Where were they when I was being abused as a child? Why didn't they care about rape and physical abuse? They ignored me when I begged for help..

    18. I'm often way too candid.

    19. I hold a grudge like a mother fucker. I try very very hard not to hate certain people. But I often fail.

    20. I really love VideoSift. I used to be really into IRC. I have a long history of communicating and making friends over the internet. But the Sift is my favorite. I stopped for a long time and it was really hard not to come here and browse. I would find myself absent-mindedly typing the url. Oi.

    21. I'm really into Facebook. It's the only way I talk to my estranged family and friends.

    22. I love music, if you can't tell by the stuff I sift. Any and all types of music, except for bad music. Har har. Farhad's queue is one of my favorite places to peruse.

    23. When I bare my soul to people, it never ever turns out right.

    24. I tend to over-punctuate!!@!!!@1!!11!1!@!111one

    25. I love to smile and be cheerful. I find humor in even the most dire of tragedies and I often get flack from that. People don't understand it, I guess.

    demon_ix says...

    1. I'm an Atheist Jew, and that is not an oxymoron.

    2. I lived in Corvallis, Oregon for about 2 years when I was 3 years old. I don't remember speaking English at the time, but the language came very naturally to me in school and I still have a somewhat American accent. I even catch myself thinking in English when speaking Hebrew.

    3. In grade school I used to read ahead of the class and interrupt the teachers with questions so much that the school wanted to transfer me to a special (retarded) class. My mother insisted on a psychological evaluation that determined I was bored.

    4. I'm addicted to an online game that takes almost all of my free time (guess which). I've quit and relapsed three times already. I'm also becoming addicted to an online video sharing community, but that's neither as time-consuming nor a problem IMO.

    5. I lost touch with almost all of my high-school friends other than two. Other than family, those are the only people I talk to.

    6. I have never finished anything that I wasn't forced to finish in my entire life. This includes university studies, projects at work and silly things like cleaning up my own apartment.

    7. I am constantly tired. Have been since I can remember. After 3 cups of coffee I feel like a curtain that covers my eyes normally is gone.

    8. I have no sense of self worth. That is to say, I believe that I am less than every other person, whether I know them or not. It makes me very persuadable and very vulnerable to criticism, which I usually take very personally, even if it's not meant that way.

    9. I berate myself all the time. I'm doing it right now, telling myself to stop writing this pathetic post about what a pathetic person I am (considering how my imaginary problems are dwarfed by the post above mine).

    10. I went to a therapy session once, but was very uncooperative.

    11. I can't tell anybody else pretty much all of what I've written here already. The only reason I can do it here is because what's staring back at me is a LCD monitor.

    12. I think about ending my life pretty much constantly. It's usually strongest before I go to sleep. It's been like this since I was 16 or so. I have never attempted suicide, I'm not suicidal as far as I know, and this isn't a cry for help.

    13. I have never taken any kind of drug, aside for antibiotics and other common medicine. As far as I know, I've never been high.

    14. I was in a scooter vs. scooter accident exactly three months ago. The other guy ran a red light and smashed into my vehicle at about 50 mph. I walked away with a slight pain in my right hand, he had several injuries as a result. In a related note, I also own a car now, and am attempting to sell my scooter.

    15. I work as the sole IT guy for a tiny web hosting / site building company. It's barely enough work to keep me occupied during the day.

    16. I have an American private pilot license from 2006 (single engine land). I haven't flown since, but that's because of the nature of recreational flight in Israel.

    17. I am afraid of heights. Happens when I rappel or stand on high places without a safety rail. Doesn't affect me at all when flying.

    18. I commonly engage in software/music/video piracy, but as a leecher, not a seeder.

    19. I think about relocating to a different country a lot, but it's closer to my random thing #12 than it is an actual desire to move.

    20. I am one of those people that ruin the movie-going experience for other people. I constantly find silly things wrong with movies or tv shows and point them out. I do this in a very hypocritical way, since I ignore such flaws in movies I like.

    21. I suspect I have hypothyroidism, but my blood tests disagree.

    22. I have no items that I would miss specifically if I had to part with them suddenly.

    23. I wake up with two separate alarms, both on the other side of the room to force me to get out of bed to turn them off, but I still go back to sleep most of the time and end up being late for work. I sometimes even have no memory of turning off either alarm.

    24. I have never been in a fight.

    25. My favorite food is a pizza with green olives.


    I really don't want to click submit (#9) but I am going to anyway.

    ctrlaltbleach says...

    1. I was sent to a behavioral hospital for saying I would kill myself and stabbed the table with a large kitchen knife.

    2. I thrive to be the kindest person I know but still end up being an ass without even trying.

    3. I'm Socially retarded. I have trouble talking to friends I've known for years.

    4. When I was 19 I had an affair with a twenty year old woman. I felt guilty about her husband but I was in love.

    5. I often feel my social awkwardness is the #1 contributer to feeling that my life has been kind of dull.

    6. I work in the IT industry and I'm building a web site for my dads company which I still have no confidence in.

    7. I love everything French and wish there was a French channel. Although I cannot speak French fluently even after studying three years of it.

    8. I play piano and guitar.

    9. I adore women.

    10. When I was young I told my brother that there was a twenty dollar bill behind a fence in a coke can so I could steal the front seat of my moms car. He came back with a twenty dollar bill and a coke can.

    11. I used to work security for a event arena. I sat next to Lars Ulrich all night and did not recognize him. I've also said hi to Phil Collins, Eddie Van Halen, Bonnie Raitt, Natalie Merchant, Ericah Bahdu, and the guy from Matchbox 20.

    12. ^ I've also been back stage and watched Metallica warm up for the show and was the sole reason a popular disc jockey was thrown out of the same concert.

    13. I have celebrity crushes on Drew Berrymore, Dolores O rirden (I know I did not spell that right), Kelly Osborne, Audrey Tautou, Natalie Portman, and Lisa Loeb.

    14. I always stick up for Jewish people when the chance arises.

    15. When I was young I cried because a younger man was picking on and beating up an older man in an old western movie.

    16. I always wanted to be famous but only because I wanted people to like me.

    17. I did not have sex until I was 19. (and it was the affair 4.)

    18. I married the second person I had sex with.

    19. I once had a beagle named Snoopy. (I know so original)

    20. I wish I worked for a gaming company.

    21. I still feel like a kid.

    22. I spent two weeks in France.

    23. I kissed a girl I barley knew in Paris, she was from Richmond Virginia. I also was became lost there with two others who did not speak French and between the three of us had to find our way to the hotel. Luckily I know how to say where is the Metro?

    24. I just recently purchased a house.

    25. I cannot seem to be able to turn off love. Once I've fallen in love with someone I always love them.

    Lann says...

    1. Can dance.
    2. Can’t sing.
    3. Loves pizza.
    4. Hates pasta.
    5. Likes the frigid cold.
    6. Is missing Montana.
    7. Resents Central Tennessee.
    8. Has a crush on Canada (Alberta and BC I’m looking at you…)
    9. Grew up around boys.
    10. Strangers talk to me more often than my family does.
    11. Rescues animals.
    12. I Have killed animals.
    13. I Have killed animals against my will.
    14. Doesn’t like pork.
    15. Eats turkey bacon.
    16. Was almost married at 19 (dodged a bullet).
    17. At one point was probably the only person in eastern Montana to have blue hair.
    18. Used to play the flute and piccolo.
    19. Got my training license at 14 (my real one at 15)
    20. Once forgot my own birthday. (My sweet 16)
    21. Used to be able to bench my own body weight but now I’m a wimp/heavier.
    22. My mother was very artistic (she could draw or sculpt anything from her head). She didn’t do anything productive with her talent. She also has paranoid schizophrenia.
    23. My dad worked for the railroad he was bipolar and “went crazy”. Living on the streets until he was ironically mugged, left on the train tracks to die (being ran over by a train).
    24. My dad’s father also worked for the railroad…he's my real dad..(not in a biological sense)
    25. My redneck neighbors really are that loud.

    yourhydra says...

    Sorry about the soppy theme. Yes its <3 and yes I do have other interests.
    1. I convinced my 6 year old self that Sonic the Hedgehog was my boyfriend
    2. I actually liked Knuckles more, but figured he was out of my league
    3. I thought I was in loved with my parents' friends' son, who was much older than me. I was about 12.
    4. Then at 14 I contacted him, because I thought it would be romantic to lose my virginity to him, my first "love"
    5. We hung out, I realized it was all fake, and kicked him out of my house before we did anything serious. He was not happy.
    6. I went through all of middle school hung up on wanting a boyfriend and liking boys. No I do not have an absent father figure.
    7. I became confident and found my true personality in the second year of high school, from then on, I got anyone I perused and started doing extremely well in school.
    8. I almost lost my virginity drunk at a party on the backyard lawn. We were interrupted.
    9. I almost lost my virginity in a bathroom in Cuba, with a Cuban model. We were interrupted.
    10. I lost my virginity on a forest floor, with a British man whom I dearly loved and who dearly loved me. We had a long wonderful relationship. I am very glad it happened that way, and I feel very stupid reflecting on how it could have happened.
    11. In middle school I fell in love with a bat. He was a character in the "Silverwing" book series. I told my friend and she laughed at me and made me cry.
    12. I was my best gay friend's straight love (every gay guy has a girl love). I rejected him, he guilt tripped me and we didn't speak for 2 years. We have been amazing friends since then for about 6 years now.
    13.I have had my heart broken once. He later fixed it.
    14. I have never been in a "bad" relationship.
    15. I am exactly like my mother when it comes to love.
    16. I was in love with my high school art teacher. He was an ugly British man. He knew I wanted to fuck him in the dark room. He was a very innocent guy and it made him feel somehow guilty. We are friends still, and we email each other and I visit him at school. He is proud of me artistically and that makes me happy.
    17. I have had a sex dream about the guy from Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Except he wasn't all overly concerned and happy, but was bad ass, to match his sexy exterior
    18. I had a sex dream about House (Hugh Laurie)
    19. I had a sex dream about Chase (the Aussie) from House
    20. I had a sex dream about a young version of Marilyn Manson
    21. I enjoyed all of the above
    22. I watch porn at least once a week
    23. Although I have used the word "love" loosely, I have only actually truly loved two men.
    24. I feel like I am an extremely lucky person and that nothing horrible has every happened to me...especially after reading some of these.
    25. The only things that matter to me in life is creative fulfillment and mutually loving the people who deserve it, hopefully that is your family, your current partner, your children, and probably only half your friends.

    Throbbin says...

    1. I am arrogant.
    2. I can make anyone laugh IRL. Anyone.
    3. I wet the bed until I was 11.
    4. I almost drowned in Hudson Bay when I was 3. My mother tells me she's never seen anyone run as fast as my father did that day.
    5. I am supposed to have an older sister named Stephanie. She died 3 hours after birth.
    6. After Stephanie, my parents tried to conceive for over 3 years, gave up, adopted my older sister, then found out they were pregnant a week later.
    7. I have 13 siblings (most are adopted or fostered, 3 half-siblings, including 1 I've never met). I have no full siblings.
    8. I am not fluent in my native tongue, and this has been a source of shame for me my entire life.
    9. My wife is teaching me more of my native tongue living in southern Canada than I ever learned back home.
    10. I tested (twice) in the 97th percentile for IQ in all of Canada. I took "enrichment" classes until high school, when we moved back north (no enrichment classes there).
    11. I used to play D&D and Magic the Gathering, but was always on at least 1 sports team throughout school.
    12. I had my first child when I was far too young.
    13. I am overweight (but losing weight).
    14. My wife tells me my best feature is my forehead (I'm not kidding).
    15. I am going into Law School next year.
    16. I smoke.
    17. I take a certain pleasure in making people look like fools if I think they feel superior to me.
    18. I am very self-conscious and I may try too hard.
    19. My Inuktitut name is Nuliajuk, after my grandfather.
    20. I make friends easily but rarely maintain relationships. I only have 5 'buddies'.
    21. I have a very high tolerance for cold. My skin gets cold, but I don't feel cold.
    22. People have guessed I am: Native American, Mexican, Phillipino, Samoan, Hawaaiin, Portuguese, Chinese, and Korean.
    23. I have very little cartilage in my nose.
    24. I procrastinate (thanks videosift).
    25. I have abnormally strong legs. (I once maxed out a leg-press machine with 1 leg).

    Sagemind says...

    1). I am quiet.
    2). I do not fit in with the world around me.
    3). My world does not have conflict. I don’t understand it; it only frustrates me.
    4). Laid back. Take it as it comes. Don’t plan too far ahead but don’t change what is already planned.
    5). I’m a bad speller. I don’t care to remember, my memory is poor and I’m sure it is getting worse.
    6). I live in the now and feel life as I live it.
    7). When I work out my creativity, I must work in a vacuum.
    . When I enjoy the company of others, I like to shine brightly.
    9). Music is my muse of learning.
    10). I want to know as much as I can about everything and everyone around me and share everything I know.
    11). When I create, I feel alive. My mind is at work. For me, an idle mind is like dying a little bit each time I stop. I need to feel the charge of creation and discovery.
    12). Collecting, yes, I am a collector. It must be my need to be complete, to not leave something unfinished. (I have over 500 Star Wars actions figures – all still in package.)
    13). I horror at chaos. Chaos undermines me every time.
    14). I am trying to grasp what is me. I am original. I think only like me.
    15). I make choices for me. I am selfish. I don’t like to share.
    16). I am shy. I am scared. I am insecure. I am afraid.
    17). It is preferable to sink into my creativity than to deal with reality. I must have my creativity or I will go mad. It is my only outlet. It is my life, my being.
    18). My mind and my opinions are constantly changing. Always learning, always updating. What I believed yesterday, I may not believe today. What I believe today, I feel very strong about. What I believed yesterday, I’d rather leave behind.
    19). I am not perfect. I don’t pretend to be. I know my limits and I know my dreams. I know my shortcomings and I feel my faults.
    20). I am easily pushed around and bullied.
    21). I fear change. I like finding one way of doing something and sticking with it.
    22). I fear choice. Don’t make me decide from a list. I want all or I want nothing.
    231). I cry myself to sleep. Sometimes I feel like I am on a speeding train going in the wrong direction.
    24). I need to feel accomplished. I need to leave something forever behind for others to see and feel. I need to be remembered. I refuse to just be another countless person in history that didn’t make a difference.
    25). So far, my life has been pointless.

    enoch says...

    oh fuck it.
    i'll throw in also:
    1.grew up with an irrational fear of men and authority due to my father being extremely strict.yet he remains one of the most amazing people i have ever encountered.my life has been less since his passing.
    2.in high school i was always the guy who protected the weaker from bullies and got in a lot of trouble doing but i dont regret any of that.
    3.did so much blotter acid in high school that i am now strichnine(sp?) sensitive and now it just turns me into one big cramp.
    4.did a tour in the navy and had the bright idea to get a free lift to spain upon discharge.couldnt find any work yet still stayed and spent all my money,had to panhandle in the airport to get the money to get back to the states.
    5.while i am fantastic at starting projects i rarely finish them.dropped out of college three times and left seminary school after less then a month.though i did get my propulsion engineering degree it was from the navy,dont think that counts and i hate math.
    6.while i am not the prettiest man i have always been able to date far above my league.dated 2 porn stars and quite a few you men here may have seen in your favorite nudey mag.
    7.in my 20's i traveled around DJ'in for titty bars,and yes,i dated many of them also.
    8.started writing poetry,bad poetry, when i was 7.i still think my poetry is bad.
    9.was raised episcopalian but left the church at 14 when father ryan could not answer my questions in any sunbstansive way.
    10.in my late 20's i married a beautiful abusive woman who would burn the bottoms of my feet so i would not fall asleep while she was screaming at me in a drunken blackout.i withstood this abuse for 3 years,which was constant,until i decided enough was enough and walked out leaving her everything.until this moment i had never realized just how passive aggressive and fearful i actually was.i actually give her credit for freeing me.
    11.in my early 30's some friends introduced me to exstasy.while the drug was not something i indulged in for long i fell in love with the whole scene and traveled the raves for about 3 years and every now again i will participate but the things i saw and learned live with me still.
    12,took a road trip with some friends from chicago(where i was living at the time)to san diego.after a drug induced crazy weekend they left me in a pool of my own vomit and went back to chicago.needless to say we are no longer friends,but san diego was nice,so i stayed awhile.
    13.did a midnight move out when i lived in lauderdale,left everything.on the drive to tampa the rotor arm in my car snapped in alligator alley.i left it and signed the title over to a clerk at a chevron in naples because she said her car was dead.3 dollar part would have fixed my car.
    14.hitch-hiked from providence to phillie with my best friend from childhood.think we were 16.the trip took us almost a week and we dropped between us 33 hits of acid.that was fun calling your dad to tell him you are in phillie and not to worry while tripping balls.
    15.stole a car in my teens to save my friends girlfriend from her crazy ex boyfriend.we didnt even have our licenses yet.
    16.music is everything to me.i am not a purist nor an elitist.if it speaks to me and my mood at the time i will love it.
    17.i can be argumentative just for the sake of being contrary.i may even agree with your point but will interject a contrary view just to better understand the subject.
    18.have no patience for egotistical lazy thinkers and respond accordingly.
    19.over the years i have come to realize that the more i think i am understanding something the larger my ignorance seems to grow.this is frustrating as it is exciting.
    20.while i do not subscribe to a religion.in fact i am vehemently anti-religious.i am a man of faith.closest definition would be gnostic-christian but i also subscribe to kabballah.
    21.i consume far too much media and many times do not give a proper alottment of time to process all that information due to my adult a.d.d.
    22.i have found teaching to be my hidden passion and hope for an opportunity soon to practice that passion once again.
    23.i live by a code of :honesty,open-ness and respect.i am rarely offended because i never let anyone dictate how i should feel about myself.
    24.i am most likely the most opinionated person you know but i always listen to what you have to say.
    25.i dont regret anything that i have done,seen or experienced because i would not be who i am today.

    i find the people on the sift fascinating.

    gwiz665 says...

    10. Replaced with realism.
    12. Texas is further away.
    19. I've dropped that whole thing. I'm pretty outspoken nowadays.
    20. Almost 13 years I guess now.
    24. * = very
    25. Most of you.>> ^gwiz665:
    10. I wish I could shake my growing cynicism.
    12. The farthest away from Denmark that I've been is Ireland.
    19. I used to be insanely shy, and now I'm just reserved.
    21. I've played guitar for about ten years now.
    24. I have [*] little patience for incompetence, but am generally un-confrontational.
    25. You all enrich my life.

    kulpims says...

    1. my nickname since age 6, translated into english, is "worm". no relation to dennis rodman
    2. my first girlfriend's name was "buckwheat". she was 6 years older than me. she had long blonde straight hair that would smell of honey even through a cloud of shit
    3. my upper front teeth are ceramic. i lost them in a bar fight, falling dead drunk on my face
    4. you can't beat me at table soccer
    5. i like jazz
    6. i smoke a lot of weed, although i prefer hashish
    7. I also deal, on and off. hence the constant supply ...
    8. i was self-hospitalized to a mental hospital on 3 separate occasions for being fucking retarded
    10. i'm bad at math
    9. i used to do heroin for a few months. now i mostly pop pills. shrooms optional (and weed is not a drug - it's medicine)
    11. i like sci-fi. and comics. and good movies. they make me feel there's hope for humanity after all
    12. my all time fav sport's figure is michael jordan. i stopped watching nba after he left for good
    14. i dislike nr. 13
    15. i belive that at this evolutionary point in time we, as a human race, can not possibly hope to ever comprehend the true nature of reality we find ourselves in. lhc is a useless waste of money and effort
    16. five years ago i got my driving licence revoked for dui
    17. my penis is bent to the left. i blame masturbation
    18. i never met my father. for all i know he could be lord vader
    19. i like hitch-hiking
    20. i lost my virginity to a fat girl. i only fuck skinny bitches from then on
    21. i was brought up to be a catholic but i never really believed in anything. not even atheism
    22. i hope there's no afterlife
    23. unless there's 72 horny virgins waiting for me
    24. i lie a lot
    25. i would never ever go charter

    garmachi says...

    1. My online moniker is the first 8 letters of my high school nickname. The whole thing wouldn't fit on the scoreboard of a late 80s pinball high score board.
    2. I was mute for a week with strep throat, and still managed to seduce someone using only physical comedy and facial expressions.
    3. I've logged 79 of the 110 Messier Objects.
    4. I once killed a groundhog because he was a legitimate threat to my food supply.
    5. I can do amazing things with a map and compass.
    6. I can do something with my tongue that I've never seen another human do. (This is in no way related to #2)
    7. Al Gore once beat me in a foot race.
    8. I can sing the theme to Land of the Lost.
    9. I live closer to a trailhead than a gorcery store.
    10. I am the only member of my family to live more than 25 miles away from where I was born.
    11. I owe #10 to my time in the US Marines.
    12. When someone asks "are there any questions" I almost always ask "What's the atomic weight of beryllium?"
    13. When someone tells me the title of a book they're reading, I almost always ask, "did you get to the part where he dies yet?"
    14. I can tell time and navigate by looking at the sky.
    15. I love fast, upside down, looping rollercoasters, but the merry go round makes me sick.
    16. I once filtered and drank mosquito infested muck as an alternative to dehydrating.
    17. I bought my first couch at age 41.
    18. I've never purchased a car, although I have bartered for many.
    19. I once saw a medical professional use a frozen hotdog to insert a condom into a drunk guy's rectum.
    20. I owe #19 to my time in the US Marines.
    21. To this very day, I still have dreams about the Leonids Meteor Storm I saw in 2001.
    22. I can prove the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
    23. My favorite number is 23.
    24. I brew damn fine apple cider.
    25. I have seen many amazing things.

    dag says...

    Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

    Ima gonna let me finish, since I only did 14 back then.

    15. I have an extremely boring day job that would put you to sleep if I explained it.
    16. I am secretly plotting a return to the home of my birth - the USA.
    17. Would like to write an SF novel, but fear I lack the discipline and talent
    18. Would like to lose my American accent over here in Australia because I get tired of the first question with any stranger always being "where you from?"
    19. I enjoy the show Glee - much to the dismay of most of my friends
    20. No TV in our house for over 10 years
    21. Started VideoSift after a 6 month, all-bank-accounts drained around the world trip with my wife and two kids
    22. I once ran over a dog when delivering pizzas in high school, at night on snowy roads. It affected my driving for life
    23. I can blow perfectly formed sprays of spit bubbles that float up into the air and last for up to a minute.
    24. I spent a year in Salamanca, Spain as part of a university language program
    25. I shat in an empty stairwell once due to explosive diarrhea that I could not contain.

    Last one too much?>> ^dag:

    1. I lived on the last federally granted homestead in the US in rural Alaska without running water or electricity for 5 years as a kid.
    2. Had a ten speed when everyone else had a BMX, and thus never learned to tail slap.
    3. Was an accomplice to deathcow stealing a LadyBug and Cosmic Adventure Colecovision cartridges from Art's Video Mart in 1984.
    4. Bought my first 300 bps modem in 1985 for the Apple IIe.
    5. Wore a spangly sequined vest in my high school's swing choir - and sang bass.
    6. Attended Chaminade University of Honolulu for 2 years.
    7. Attended Universidad de Salamanca in Spain for 1 year.
    9. Worked in Osaka Japan for 3 years - probably for the Yakuza.
    10. Married by a catholic priest to my Aussie wife in Japan.
    11. Have acted in several community theater productions
    12. Would like to have my head frozen at Alcor.
    13. Can do good Sterling Holloway and Neil Diamond impressions
    14. Founded best online community ever.

    vaporlock says...

    1. This explains it all but the bad, sad, and boring part.
    2. There is also a part about a "wife" and 2 wonderful kids.
    3. The "wife" part is about over.
    4. Like Dag, I "Would like to write an SF novel, but fear I lack the discipline and talent".
    5-20. see #1

    bareboards2 says...

    1. I can dance the tango, amongst other ballroom dances, and have won dance contests.

    2. My father is a major part of space history – he was a range safety officer, blowing up missiles that went off course in the early days of the missile program – has destroyed more missiles than anyone else and no one is likely to ever catch up to him, since they know what they are doing now.

    3. I love to tell stories, and when I travel, I write stories in my head to tell when I get home (did I ever tell you about spending an hour – at 10 pm in the winter night -- talking to the lone Scottish soldier guarding Edinburgh Castle and what he told me about kilts and Scottish pride?)

    4. I am vain about my ears.

    5. The only thing I have ever given birth to is a theater company, now defunct for ten years, and I am very proud that folks still mourn its passing. We did GREAT STUFF.

    6. I am hypercritical and judgmental of others, but I am hardest of all on myself.

    7. Once I moved to hippy haven Port Townsend, I grew out my armpit hair to see if I could blend in with the natives – and then scared myself in the shower because I thought it was a spider.

    8. One of my best friends is my Oklahoma cousin, which is remarkable because we have never spent more than a week in each others company in five decades.

    9. The precept I try to live by: “Everyone is doing the best they can in any given moment. Their best may stink, and you may need to avoid them, but it is indeed the best they can do.” I’m still hypercritical and judgmental. Even though I believe this to the core of my being.

    10. I have cheated at Scrabble online.

    11. I have had eight teeth pulled and braces, but my teeth are still crowded.

    12. I am vain about my eyebrows.

    13. I love telling jokes.

    14. I was born in Alaska.

    15. My mother died in 1988 and I still miss her terribly. She was funny and caring and smart.

    16. Typing number 15 made me cry, which surprised me.

    17. I paid $1,500 for a lifetime pass to the local arts cinema 14 years ago, which turned out to be a great investment – they recently sold some more and wanted $5,000 (that did include popcorn for life, but still).

    18. I didn’t talk to my father for two years because he was an asshole when I was growing up, and now I call him every single day because he lives in a nursing home. He’s also not an asshole any more – or at least, I can walk him out of being an asshole. This transformation in our relationship is a great blessing in my life.

    19. I am very very good at my job.

    20. I am quick to anger.

    21. I am very generous.

    22. The librarians have a nickname for me. They call me The Gale, to differentiate me from all the other mere Gales, Gayles and Gails in town.

    23. I have never lived anyplace with so many people named Gale/Gayle/Gail.

    24. I am happy on the first day of winter and sad on the first day of summer – because the days are so frigging short in winter and they start to get longer on the Winter Solstice. And verse visa for Summer – it means the days are getting quickly shorter.

    25. This list was interrupted by my friend Deb, and we went across the street for lemon drop martinis and baked poblana peppers and cheese. My friend Deb says that #25 should be: Once upon a time, I kissed too many boys.

    hpqp says...

    1. One of my earliest memories is being on a boat between Japan and Korea during a sea storm. Rolling around in the room as the boat was rocked was terrible fun to the 3-year-old I was.

    2. I been to more countries then I care to mention. People are really all the same all over. I hate big cities.

    3. Played in a mine field for a whole afternoon. The next day a farmer died there. For the year we lived on Croatia's border we could hear/feel the bombs shake the house.

    4. Am often told I do not act my gender. Sometimes I play it up on purpose.

    5. Am not afraid of nor particularly moved by death. This causes me problems with my family when relatives/siblings die.

    6. Am a pretty good shot with both ARs and handguns, even won a few medals in my teens. Stopped shooting because the atmosphere at the club was sexist/macho. At least I'm ready for the Zombie Apocalypse, and can take photos without a tripod at 1" exposure.

    7. Like to use quotes from an opponent in a debate to attack their argument. Like to debate in general. i can be argumentative just for the sake of being contrary.

    8. I dreamed of being multi-lingual as a child. I'm better at writing than talking. I was the first (and only) in my family to go to University.

    9. Grew up in a fundie christian family. Read the Bible innumerable amount of times, learned verses and whole chapters by heart. Am now atheist and antitheist, like most of my family.

    10. Been diagnosed schizoide, borderline, bipolar, etc. Take antidepressants to avoid incapacitating breakdowns.

    11. 90% of my waking life has been spent procrastinating. VS is my latest fix, and the only online community I've ever become a part of.

    12. I love dreaming. Most of my best memories are from my dreams. I daydream often, but retain full situational awareness. Lucid dreaming is awesome.

    13. All of the major injuries I've sustained were self-inflicted, albeit by accident. Never broke a bone, but my body is always sore (and not always in a good way).

    14. Originally left-handed, but forced to be right-handed during childhood because left-handedness is of the devil. Leftie is now my primary masturbation hand

    15. I watch porn at least once a week. Consider myself a feminist.

    16. Grew up around boys. I don't really count my first time as my first time. Hardly any one I know knows about my first time.

    17. Have never been in a successful relationship. Longest and most enjoyable was as someone's lover/fuckbuddy.

    18. I have no patience for stupid people.

    19. I've never even been tempted to try drugs, cigarettes. Stopped drinking before turning 18. I have little enough control of my brain and emotions as is.

    20. I love cinema, I think cinema is humanity reflected, our dreams, desires, hopes, fears and experiences. When watching a movie, I am frequently the only person laughing.

    21. I don't really like being the center of attention.

    22. My profile name is not an acronym. When I started using the webs I wanted a username that was anonymous and meaningless to all but myself. It is supposed to be an obscurely emoticon-ish version of Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet.

    23. Forbidden Planet freaked me out when I first saw it as a kid. It is still one of my favourite sci-fi movies. I would like to write an SF novel, but fear I lack the discipline and talent.

    24. Like to think I'm special/unique, but know that I'm not. Some of this list is copy-pasta'd from others' posts, but also applies for me. (can you find which parts? )

    25. I still have absolutely no clue what I want to do with my life.

    Mordhaus says...

    1. My family was considered to be a 'organized crime' family by the police in Tucson, AZ.
    2. I've committed 2 crimes in my life. My first was when I was 13, I shoplifted a Gen 1 Transformer from Kmart and was banned from the store until 18. The second was helping a friend load an illegally poached deer into his truck.
    3. My first car was a 1974 Dodge Challenger
    4. When I was 19, I almost ran away from my future wife to go to Dallas and open one of the first ink cartridge refilling companies with a friend.
    5. My mother never married and let my Grandparents raise me.
    6. I started smoking at 14, rolling my own from my Grandfather's Bugler tobacco.
    7. I smoked for many years, quitting twice. Once when my Grandfather died from Emphysema and then for good when my Grandmother died of lung cancer.
    8. I worked for Texas Instruments, Dell, and Apple. Their stock allowed me to retire early.
    9. I've had a mental breakdown that lead to me retiring early.
    10. I still suffer from depression and anxiety.
    11. Online I can interact with people much better than I can in real life. I find it very hard to deal with people in person.
    12. My wife embarrasses me in public because she is very outgoing.
    13. I hate doing dishes. I mean I really loathe doing them.
    14. I have two dogs.
    15. I don't like cats very much.
    16. I sometimes have weird dreams that my best friend is still alive.
    17. I prefer being indoors vs being outdoors.
    18. Other than my mother, my family is all dead or estranged.
    19. I am a video game enthusiast.
    20. I don't want children.
    21. I once had a 4-wheeler roll over on top of me and pin me under creek water.
    22. I used to use twilight as my online handle until Stephenie Meyer ruined that for me forever.
    23. My favorite animated cartoon was the 1990's Batman animated series.
    24. I used to be a huge Stephen King fan until he was hit by that vehicle and his writing suddenly started sucking.
    25. I have very poor eyesight without my glasses.

    ChaosEngine says...

    1. I hate writing lists like this.
    2. but only because I'm afraid I don't have enough cool stuff to put on them
    3. I swear.. a lot, but I get away with it... in person, because I'm Irish, and in writing, because I'm an eloquent motherfucker
    4. When I was a kid, I really wanted to be a space shuttle pilot. My entire room was covered in space posters, until I was eventually convinced this wouldn't happen in my early teens (kinda hard to be a shuttle pilot when you live in a country with no space program or even an airforce).... at which point....
    5. I started listening to heavy metal and for years I wanted to be a touring musician. Played in a few bands, even recorded some stuff, but I was never really that good, but I did teach my brother to start playing
    6.... who is now waaaay better than I ever was, has a degree in music and releases some of my favourite music.
    7. I am by a long way the most level-headed member of my family.
    8. I like to think I'm resourceful (read as "watched one too many episodes of macgyver as a kid") and set myself little challenges all the time (like trying to break into my own house)
    9. I've been arrested once and spent a night in a cell
    10. I love the mountains (snowboarding, mountain biking) but didn't realise this until my late 20s. It's one of my great regrets that I didn't start these things sooner.
    11. I'm a 3rd dan (soon to be 4th!) black belt in Aikido, but....
    12. I haven't been in a fight since high school.
    13. A small immature part of me really wants someone to attack me so I can find out.
    14. The rest of me isn't nearly that stupid.
    15. I love to cook (especially BBQ), and will happily spend all day preparing a meal for my wife or my friends.
    16. I don't have or want kids, but I get on great with them (I suspect they think I roughly as mature as they are).
    17. I teach a kids Aikido class.
    18. I'm very good at my job, but it's just a means to an end for me. If I never needed to work again, I wouldn't.
    19. No-one will read this far.
    20. I think people are basically good, but they're also stupid and easily manipulated... this goes for me too.
    21. I really want to travel again, but life keeps getting in the way.
    22. I'm a total geek.
    23. I like to look at everything from all angles, but there are somethings I have no time for (homepathy, racism, homophobia, climate deniers, etc). I don't believe in debating these people.
    24. I sometimes wonder if I should put my money where my mouth is and run for public office, but then I remember that that would seriously cut into my snowboarding/mountainbiking/aikido-ing time.
    25. I am very tempted to delete this list.

    Sithstress says...

    1. I just spent 45 minutes reading details of lives of people I have never met. At least, I don't think so. Hmmm.
    2. I'm fairly new to VS and I'm marrying the man who introduced me to it.
    3. We're getting married tomorrow .
    4. This will be my second, and final, marriage.
    5. I curse. A lot. My voice tends to carry (or I'm just loud) and this sometimes causes problems...for others.
    6. I'm in corporate sales.
    7. I'm very good at what I do...but I hate it.
    8. I am an introvert. I hide it well. Or so I'm told.
    9. I am an avid reader. Anything that catches my interest, so the titles on my bookshelves sometimes baffle people.
    10. I have 2 sons who I hope I'm not screwing up too much.
    11. I was considered a "troubled youth" and my parents sent me to military school.
    12. Then I joined the army. So I guess it worked...but really I just wanted to get away from my state.
    13. 5 years later, I came back. And haven't been able to make it out of this black hole for the last 10 years.
    14. I smoked for 20 years, with only a few brief periods of quitting.
    15. I quit 3 days ago, for the last time.
    16. 15 is probably not true. Just to keep it honest.
    17. I grew up in a family rife with addiction and dysfunction.
    18. We have one of the closest family units I know, now.
    19. I am a "grammar nazi," but I probably overuse ... and ( ).
    20. I'm a sucker for cop and crime shows.
    21. This has made me believe I could probably get away with murder.
    22. I would never murder anyone...but I do often contemplate it. Mostly while driving in traffic.
    23. I'm seriously considering deleting this post right now, but the beer is telling me not to.
    24. I have a real passion for singing...but no talent for it. Cruel, cruel world!
    25. I'm hitting submit before proofreading in order not to chicken out, so I apologize for any typos.

    Mordhaus says...

    Congrats on your wedding!

    Sithstress said:

    1. I just spent 45 minutes reading details of lives of people I have never met. At least, I don't think so. Hmmm.
    2. I'm fairly new to VS and I'm marrying the man who introduced me to it.
    3. We're getting married tomorrow .
    4. This will be my second, and final, marriage.
    5. I curse. A lot. My voice tends to carry (or I'm just loud) and this sometimes causes problems...for others.
    6. I'm in corporate sales.
    7. I'm very good at what I do...but I hate it.
    8. I am an introvert. I hide it well. Or so I'm told.
    9. I am an avid reader. Anything that catches my interest, so the titles on my bookshelves sometimes baffle people.
    10. I have 2 sons who I hope I'm not screwing up too much.
    11. I was considered a "troubled youth" and my parents sent me to military school.
    12. Then I joined the army. So I guess it worked...but really I just wanted to get away from my state.
    13. 5 years later, I came back. And haven't been able to make it out of this black hole for the last 10 years.
    14. I smoked for 20 years, with only a few brief periods of quitting.
    15. I quit 3 days ago, for the last time.
    16. 15 is probably not true. Just to keep it honest.
    17. I grew up in a family rife with addiction and dysfunction.
    18. We have one of the closest family units I know, now.
    19. I am a "grammar nazi," but I probably overuse ... and ( ).
    20. I'm a sucker for cop and crime shows.
    21. This has made me believe I could probably get away with murder.
    22. I would never murder anyone...but I do often contemplate it. Mostly while driving in traffic.
    23. I'm seriously considering deleting this post right now, but the beer is telling me not to.
    24. I have a real passion for singing...but no talent for it. Cruel, cruel world!
    25. I'm hitting submit before proofreading in order not to chicken out, so I apologize for any typos.

    newtboy jokingly says...

    I'm 46....but I often feel much older. Men in my family barely see 50 for at least 3 generations, so while I'm not likely to be the oldest, I may have the least time left (or I may live another 40 broken years in slow decline).

    ant said:

    That's old. I'm getting there. I wonder who is the oldest on VS.

    ant says...

    You don't seem 46. People still think I am a teen(ager).

    newtboy said:

    I'm 46....but I often feel much older. Men in my family barely see 50 for at least 3 generations, so while I'm not likely to be the oldest, I may have the least time left (or I may live another 40 broken years in slow decline).

    noims says...

    1. I tend not to like lists like these, so I always ensure that at least some answers are completely made up. In protest I will not reformat this list to make it more readable.
    2. I was quite good at fencing. I was Irish national sabre champion, but that's a lot less impressive than it sounds.
    3. I won Miss Fencing Intervarsities 3 years running. I'm male.
    4. I'm a Monty Python fan to an unhealthy degree. I co-wrote the first Python FAQ online, based on actual questions that were asked frequently.
    6. I have called every living member of Monty Python 'Michael' except Michael Palin. I called him Terry. None of them called me on it.
    7. I have what amounts to a secret crush on someone here on the sift. They always say what I'm thinking, but far more eloquently than I ever can. I grin when they upvote me.
    8. I have a Scaramanga-style extra nipple.
    9. I have a son. My girlfriend's waters broke while I was watching Alien. I'm more proud of the second part than the first... lots of other people have tiny pet humans.
    10. I was once kicked in the head by Armand Assante (a b-list-ish actor).
    11. I can sing the names of about 20 particularly nasty diseases.
    12. I'm batman.
    13. I've been online since the 80s, but at this stage the web is pretty much read-only for me. I'm more active here on the sift than anywhere else, and that's not saying much.
    14. I was in Russia during the 'invasion of Georgia' in 2008. In fact, I was in the mountains bordering the two countries and saw the situation almost first-hand. Before then I had little confidence in the news we get here in the west; now I have almost none. Stuff broadcast as fact was (to me) easily proven false at the time, and the subsequent UN report backs up my side of the story.
    15. I teach tai chi.
    16. One of my happiest memories is not sleeping with a hot (and very cool) Norwegian woman.
    17. I once ran a marathon backwards. It's not as easy as it sounds.
    18. My grandmother owned race horses, including one who holds a significant record in Cheltenham. She's quite famous here in Ireland (to a certain generation at least).
    19. Online (and sometimes off) I tend to use anagrams of my name. The idea is that it's hard to find Noims from my real name (until someone ruins that), but not too hard to go the other direction. My avatar is based on the same principle. There are at least 3 other Noimses online, but I was the first.
    20. My favourite piece of software is the vi editor (specifically gvim). I have no idea what my favourite book, music, or non-python film are.
    21. I'm a keen gamer, but most offline. I hate Steam. I've been playing Nethack since the 80s, and still play in the devnull competition yearly... it's the longest running online game tournament there is.
    22. I think one of the worst facts in the world is that marketing works.
    23. I was in a metal band called the Bubonic Duck-Fuckers from Hell (BDF).
    24. I used to be big into RPGs (role playing - not rockets). I once got first prize in 3 games in a single weekend convention with 4 game slots.
    25. I love the number 12, and know all the powers up to 12^12. Consequently I dislike the number 5. I strongly tend to favour multiples/powers of 12 over those of 5.

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