Death Penalty For Rebellious Children? -- TYT

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"Charlie Fuqua, the Republican candidate for the Arkansas House of Representatives who called for expelling Muslims from the United States in his book, also wrote in support for instituting the death penalty for "rebellious children." In "God's Law," Fuqua's 2012 book, the candidate wrote that while parents love their children, a process could be set up to allow for the institution of the death penalty...". The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

Does this idiot not realise that the "divine" law of the Old Testament/Pentateuch is the basis of Sharia Law, and that Islam is but a spin-off of Christianity/Judaism (the same way the former is of the latter)?

(edit: rhetorical question of course; a Repubublican and/or fundamentalist Christian actually knowing something about religious history? ha!)


It's idiots like Fuqua that make conservatives look so bad. Just like in any political party there are always some hardcore morons, but it is not necessarily representative of the entire party. Idiots like Fuqua need to be called out and excised from public service.
However it upsets me that Cenk is using this idiot as an example of the entire party. It's like me thinking that all democrats are overweight, olive skinned Greeks with borderline pompadours as well having annoying nasal qualities when they speak because of him. And lord knows those Greeks know a thing or two about how to handle an economy.
That's your democratic party.


>> ^Lendl:

Again, I must ask (again and again and again)...

most residents of the USA are infected with the "SPECIALNESS"

the idea that we are each unique little snowflakes, made in the image of God and of whom God is with at all times, and citizens of the City on the Hill: the shining beacon of light and good amid the darkness of the world and all of those evil things that dwell there. And that we are so authentic, original, and entitled.

I think we could also call it the Puritan Ethos, but it is not specific to england and the US. so in general, I think "the specialness" may suffice.

and it is a fundamental flaw in the psyche of species, mirrored around the world in different cultures in different degrees and by different names. and it is the root cause of almost all stupidity and suffering.

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