VideoSift Wins "Best Video Aggregator" from PC World

Holy smokes! We couldn't ask for a better Xmas present. PC World today named us one of the most useful sites on the Web, picking the Sift over other notable sites like Digg, Vdiddy and Dabble.

Thanks James, Lucky and all the Sifters who make this place such a consuming passion for us all. [sloppy eggnog kiss] I love you guys.

Update: The Feb PC World is on the racks. Pick one up, or at least thumb through it at your local Barnes & Noble / Borders.
James Roe says...

I'm doing a tom cruise risky business style dance at the moment....

Hey, it's like 8:40 a.m. here, it's ok that I am rocking out in my pajamas.

Also thanks to EVERYONE who made this possible. We would just be a lot of shiny web 2.0 without you guys.

lucky760 says...


Thanks Dag and James for creating this place and thanks to all you wonderful Sifters who help make this such an enjoyable homepage away from home! Of course an enormous thanks to PC WORLD for the award. It was an honor just to be nominated!

dotdude says...

Congratulations to dag, James and Lucky for all their hard work. Thanks to the many folks who devote time to sifting and otherwise participating.

And for the record, the picture of my post on the front page is a surprise to me too. This must have occurred when therealblankman promoted it recently.

Krupo says...

lol @maudlin and @winkler1 - well said.

And congrats to all you college freaks and geeks, housewives, journeymen dwarves, and whoever else populates the site.

And super congrats to the dag/James/Lucky-triumvirate!

They did their research ages ago - 5 votes for publishing? Letter to the editor!!!

darksun says...

Wow, i'm 15, and act 10. Which isn't exactly good for me.

LadyBug: How much do you think the people who said you don't look 33 were just trying to get into your good books?

pho3n1x says...

29, and i'm not surprised at all. i've seen this site grow from a tiny collection of intelligent users posting interesting vids, to a HUGE collection of intelligent users, posting everything under the sun... and yet i don't see 14yr olds lip syncing to backstreet boys songs... this is the BEST thing about this site, and the reason i think we have such a loyal audience. congrats to everyone who made this site what it is today.

Krupo says...

@pho3n1x: Well, we did have young ladies (Lynn and Tess) lip synching to Aqua, but they didn't fare too well. Almost as bad as the furries girl.

[Krupo, having jogged his memory, updates his 'controversies' playlist]

lucky760 says...

Yeah, that Timberlake is one funny guy. I was always pretty ambivalent about him, but after watching Dick in a--

Oh... Am I in the wrong post? Whoops!

I'm 28 and surprisingly spry for my age according to the nurses in my home, but they beat me, so I don't really trust anything they say. Very nice to know the age of all our regulars. It can't help but affect how you type to one another. I find that I personally tend to always imagine the people at the other end of the line always being young'ns for some reason. (For example, until now I've always thought of ant as a teenager.) Go figure.

Halon50 says...

What a cool little award! Congrats to all you above sifters (with stars I'll never get! )

And back to the real topic here, I'm 34, look 50, and act like I'm 15. (b^-^)b

Mooseman says...

Grats to everyone who made this site what it is
Hope it'll get more awards later on, cuz it's awesome.

I'm 16 and nice to know I'm not the youngest!

BTW whats "Aggregator" mean? Sounds like the action of some insane person to me, hoarding hundreds of videos away...

swampgirl says...

never, Maudlin...never wears off. Geekiness just becomes more subtle over time. I'm an old married lady and I have the Wilhelm scream as a ringtone....
...and since we're revealing our ages? I'm 28..I mean 38 ;-)

archchef says...

Congratulations everyone. I have to say it comes as no surprise. Every other video "aggregator" site I have ever gone to seems to be nothing but numa numa and "omg emo blog".

Honestly, a well deserved win!

choggie says...

Gotta get mine in, enjoying the Holidays for the first time in the real world, which is the best illusion going today...My first blog-flashy lights and feedback...put up with bullshit like a family member..uhhh, there-a-putic and low down time...I am older than you all, chronologically?????-nope, young as the bot! If it begins to appear as otherwise..shut me down, and please, stand on ceremonies...preferably catered, and seabound....should i send money?? Just give the word...
Pissing in the wind, as you were
choggie kendall

egad .....four score and uno, sifters, and in non-chrono....156,155

Krupo says...

@archchef - if anything, the types of videos you find here almost argue that's we're less "college and geeky" than the other sites, which is part of the appeal. Heh.

Also impressive is the rather low or muted level of self-promotion, myself and special Christmas sifts notwithstanding. [yes I just called myself a bad Sifter - 'tis the season... oh wait, or is that Yom Kippur?]

Farhad2000 says...

<lighty inibriated>

Congratulations to Dag, James, Lucky and all the other guys spread all over the world who make this website a possibility.

To my fellow sifters, thanks for the votes and submissions, I hope we can keep pumping out the finest in web based entertiament.

I love being part of this community and hope to keep contributing to it's growth. I always said and believed that the Sift is going to be huge phenomeon.

Am 21 turning 22 on the 27th of December. So you are all senior citizens as far as I am concerned. With a few whipper snappers here and there... And yeah, am in the geek and college category as well.

Merry Christmas and happy new year.

I will be sipping shiraz tonight thinking of all of you!

</lighty inibriated>

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