Downvoting Based Solely on Tags

I'm sure there are a handful of people who do this, but this has to be the most egregious example. I had grown quite irksome of mkone's downvote rampage of every single American football video based on the idea that "zomgz this is not football -- it's American football!" regardless of the content of the video (which he likely didn't watch). I posted to his profile to raise the issue, and he promptly deleted the post (along with other posts asking the same questions and his account suspension notification from about a month ago), sans reply. Here are the VideoSift guidelines for downvoting (emphasis added):

Down voting is available, but only for members with a Bronze Star or higher. (See above.) Down voting is useful for when you find something you really don't like or just feel does not belong on VideoSift. If a video dips too far into negative numbers in its vote tally, SiftBot will automatically discard it. Please do not down vote a video because you dislike the Sifter who submitted it; this is entirely unacceptable. Instead, vote solely based on the quality of video content. If down voting or any other member privilege is intentionally misused, the offending member will be temporarily banned for no less than 2 weeks. A second offense will result in a permanent ban.

Clearly, he is not downvoting based on the quality of video content, but on the tags the submitter added. Based on the VideoSift guidelines, this is unacceptable and represents mkone's second breach within a month.

Here are the videos: (he also declared this particular video dead as he downvoted it, clearly showing that he could not have voted based on the video content)

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